Page 33 of Bad Blood
He has an inscrutable look in his eye that can only mean one thing. Sean Fitzpatrick wants to see us about Lauren. Fuck.
Over the last three weeks, I’ve slowly gotten her to open up about various things about her childhood and her relationship with Josh, building up to his death, but all she knows is what the police told her.
He was shot in an alleyway, and his body was left there. Straight through the forehead, execution-style. It's typical of both the Italians and the Russians, but it’s unlikely to be the Russians as it happened in Dot. They don’t have an alliance with the Italians like we do. If anything, there’s bad blood there.
I’m ready to straight-up murder the cunts who did it because not only did Lauren cry when she talked about it, but she also shoved her way out of my arms, fled into the bathroom, and vomited until her stomach was empty while I knelt behind her and stroked her hair.
Afterward, she spent about ten minutes painfully dry heaving over the toilet bowl. The police asked her to identify the body. It’s fucking bullshit that there was no one else who could have identified him. Fucking Perry could have done it. Lauren didn’t need to see that shite.
I hate that her last memory of her brother is seeing him like that. I will forever be grateful to Sean Fitzpatrick for not allowing me to see my parents' bodies – even when I raged at him to allow it.
Seamus stands, checking his phone.
“Checking up on Liam?” I smirk, waiting for him to lead me out of the room as I fall into step, flanking him. Without Niall here, I’ll be Seamus’s bodyguard for the day.
Seamus glances up, tucking his phone into his pocket with a shrug.
“Liam’s running some errand for Ronan. I didn’t ask. He was wreaking havoc in the dressing room last night –so it probably isn’t a pleasant task.”
My eyebrows shoot up. “Wreaking havoc how?”
Seamus snorts, rolling his eyes. “Apparently, two of the girls were getting upset about him sticking his dick in the new girl.”
“Liam sticks his dick in every new stripper. And he doesn’t double-dip.”
“Yeah. I thought it was unfair for Ronan to blame him, but I think he was getting on his nerves anyway. This was the last straw.”
“Remind me never to get a protegee. Seems more trouble than it’s fucking worth.”
With a chuckle, Seamus slides into the SUV. I lock eyes with the Vice cops but turn and climb into the driver's seat, pulling out of the parking lot and turning for West Roxbury.
“Just don’t get a protegee who earns the nicknameSinner,” Seamus snorts. Sighing, he rests an elbow on the window and strokes his chin thoughtfully. “I originally thought the nickname was to complement Ronan’s. You know, the Saint and the Sinner.”
I snort. The idea had occurred to us all at some point. “Liam doesn’t need to piggyback Ronan’s nickname. He earned that one all on his own.”
At Seamus’s direction, I pull into the driveway of Connor’s three-story West Roxbury home. Seamus stays in the SUV while I climb out, walking to the door of the small, matching cottage out the back of the house and hammering on it.
Connor’s head sticks out, and I jerk my own head at the SUV where Seamus is waiting.
“We’re going to see Sean. Seamus wants you there.”
Connor nods, turning to say something to the two lads inside the cottage who run his online gambling business, and steps outside, tugging the door shut behind him.
As he climbs into the backseat of my SUV, I lock eyes with Siobhan Fitzpatrick –Connor’s mother – who is standing in the laundry, looking out at the cottage. She nods stiffly and turns away.
As I pull out of the driveway, Connor smirks at Seamus.
“I heard Liam’s in the doghouse. Who have you got shadowing Tiggy.”
“Niall and Ronan,” Seamus replies. Both Connor and my eyebrows shoot up.
“Both?” Connor asks. Seamus shrugs, keeping his eyes locked on the road in front of us.
“I have my reasons.”
That’s fucking ominous. Connor drops the topic, launching into a description of the current takings for the gambling business as Seamus nods. I turn over why Seamus needs both the Reaper and the Saint watching over his wife.
I had thought this meeting with Sean would be about Lauren, but maybe it’s something else entirely. If Seamus wants Connor there, and he has two men looking after Tiggy, perhaps something a lot more serious is happening. Despite the worry we may be walking into a bad situation today, I relax. At least Lauren is safe at my place.