Page 104 of Breaking Lucia
Now those are words I never thought I’d hear from Victor, and I look sharply at him. “Will you still say that when it’s your turn?” I ask, amused despite myself.
Victor’s hand moves from Saint’s thigh to my cunt, tracing my stretched hole. A few times his fingers even touch Saint’s cock, and it’s definitely not my imagination that Saint grows redder.
“Don’t ask questions you already know the answers to,” Victor says, right as he slips a finger in next to Saint’s cock. I gasp and wriggle to adjust to the new intrusion.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” Angelo says. I look in his direction and see him stroking his cock. I know I’ve seen it before, but it’s still so large and intimidating.
Saint gapes like a landed fish, like he’s trying to find the words to tell Victor to stop at the same time he wants to beg him to continue. I feel the same way. I don’t know what I want. It’s ironic that the two of us at the center of all of this are the ones who are so lost, but… it feels so good inside of me that I can’t really argue with the result.
I tentatively lift my hips a bit, moaning at how Victor’s knuckle rubs inside me— then startling when I feel a second finger squeeze in. I glare at Victor, and all he does is smirk in response.
“M-move,” Saint begs. “That’s—fuck, that’s so tight.”
“Get another finger in,” Angelo says. “Lucia’s loose—ah, Lucia needs to be stuffed full.”
“I am not loose!” I protest, like he’s just given me the biggest insult a man can give a woman. “Get your fingers out of me, Victor. Saint’s…” I realize I don’t have the right word. Big enough? Sure. Until you get a taste of Angelo. “Big enough,” I say anyway.
Victor curls his fingers, as if stroking Saint’s cock inside me… or like he’s trying to widen me up.
“You’re right, Angelo. I think she’s very loose. I think there’s enough space for you in here right now, even.”
“What?” I ask, panic starting to settle in at the thought. “Oh, no. No. What happened to ‘Lucia’s in charge’?” I ask. “I say no. I’m not taking Angelo in at the same time as Saint!”
“Yeah! It’s… it’s my turn with Lucia…” Saint’s protests don’t sound very convincing though, with how hard he’s breathing.
Without removing his fingers, Victor slides closer to me and pushes a stray lock of hair out of my face with his other hand. “You can take them both. I know you can. And think about how happy it’ll make all three of us.”
“There are four of us here,” I retort, jerking away from Victor’s touch. “And I don’t feel like being ripped in half. Angelo’s hard enough to take on his own. Don’t make me decide to stop this completely,” I threaten.
I realize my mistake when Victor loses the veneer of amusement. “Oh? Don’t makemedecide to stop this completely, Lucia. We had a deal, but if you don’t like it, I’m happy to break it.”
“Nowhere in ourdealdid you ever mention me taking two dicks into my cunt!” I snap, but my heart is racing. “How is that a morefavorablearrangement for me?”
“You slept in a warm bed. You got a good night’s sleep.” Victor does something with his fingers, moves them so his knuckles brush up against an extra sensitive spot, and I give a shuddering breath. “But if you prefer being dirty and cold, that can be arranged. I could drop you off in the city outskirts wearing nothing at all. Would you prefer that?”
I stare at him. It’s hard to reconcile my body’s arousal with the horror I feel from his words. How can I still be turned on when he’s threatening something like that? “No,” I whisper after a moment, and I wish I’d pulled the fucking trigger on him. I’dknownthis was going to happen, but I’d given in anyway. I’d even cried against the fucker’s chest, and now this was how I got to be repaid for my trust?
Suddenly Angelo gets a hand under my shirt and strokes a nipple. “Princess, don’t worry. Victor’s not actually going to dump you somewhere. But…” He kisses the side of my neck. “I really, really want to get my cock in there too. Imagine how absolutely full you’ll feel. Every single inch of you getting stimulated. Saint’s going to blow his load as soon as my cock touches his inside there.”
“I—I won’t, you fucker,” Saint complains, but he’s still cross-eyed on his back. “And make up your damned minds. I’m getting blue balls here.”
“You’re not going to fit,” I tell Angelo. “You have a hard time fitting when it’s just you.” But Victor’s fingers are inside of me, too, and it just feels hot. A bit of a stretch, sure, but every time he runs his fingers across another overly sensitive spot in my body, I feel it more intensely than ever. “Why don’t you do it, Victor?” I ask in a sudden show of bravado I don’t really feel. “If you think I can take two cocks, why don’t you try?”
Oh god, what am I even getting myself into? Why am I letting myself be manipulated so easily? I don’twanttwo cocks in my cunt.
Victor looks at Angelo. “You’ve done that, haven’t you?”
“Uh, DP?” Angelo pinches my nipple while he thinks. “Just once. On the receiving end, I mean. It’s fucking intense. I did fuck a married couple once, and the bottom was really keen to get both my cock and his husband’s in. We made it work. And that was anal, Princess. Your cunt is definitely looser than that.”
“Jesus Christ, Angelo, I’m notloose! Especially not loose enough for two cocks! You act like everyone in the surrounding zip code has been inside me,” I snarl at him, insulted and a little embarrassed.
Angelo blinks at me, then gives me an apologetic wince. “Nah, I just meant… pussy is always going to be stretchier than ass. Like, biologically.”
“Guys,” Saint whines, trying to thrust up inside of me. “Come on!”
I’m not entirely placated by Angelo’s words, but I stop glaring at him. “It’s not going to fit,” I repeat.
Victor, that asshole, slips another finger inside me. The stretch burns, but I’m hit by another wave of arousal too, making me sway into Angelo’s touch.