Page 17 of Breaking Lucia
They’re such arrogant bastards.
When I go to check the door that evening, it opens. I blink at it for a moment, stunned that it isn’t actually locked, but I know they have security and cameras everywhere. I can try to dodge them, but it’s going to be hard since I don’t even know where they are. Though I know at least one guard who would help me get out of here out of spite alone, especially if I could promise to pay him well if he does.
Either Freddie will be hyper-loyal after the scare Angelo gave him, or he’ll be bitter and want some sort of revenge. I have to hope it’s the latter, and I have to hope he’s the one I run into first.
Any guard will do, really. Unless, heaven forbid, they’re gay… in which case, I am totally fucked. But Freddie’s the one I’m targeting.
I don’t have many clothes to wear, and I’m still in the oversized t-shirt they’d given me along with my jeans. No bra, since the assholes had ruined it, but I’d washed my panties in the sink and am wearing those, at least. I find the sweatshirt I’d been wearing but decide against it. I need as much sex appeal as possible.
I carefully open the door, and it glides silently open. I look in both directions down the hall, trying to see if one of the assholes who’d taken me is nearby. I don’t see anyone. I make my way down the hall in the direction I remembered leading to the stairs, ready to make a break for it as soon as I can. It’s dim, and it takes my eyes a moment to adjust to the light before I can make too much progress.
When I finally get down into the living room, it’s empty. There were guards everywhere earlier, but I guess they’re relying on their security system inside the house. Complacency and all. They obviously didn’t expect me to try anything, which is fucking stupid, because I’m not just going to stay here and let myself be sold back to my father.
He and Pavone can just kiss my ass.
It’s quiet but for the sound of my heart beating in my ears, and I strain to listen. I can hear soft conversation coming from near the front door, but that’s no surprise. I head for the kitchen instead, sure I’ll find someone guarding that door. It’s a small side door, though, so I don’t expect them to be the best or the brightest.
For once, luck is on my side, because when I open the door, Freddie is the only one I see.
“What are you doing here?” he asks as soon as I step into the well-lit room, his eyes narrowing at me. “Shouldn’t you be upstairs fucking one of them?”
I want to glare at him, but I know this is the worst time to antagonize someone. I smile instead. “They’re sleeping. I thought I’d visit you instead. You know, apologize for what happened earlier. You understand why I had to protect myself, right?”
His expression wavers.
God, he looks so young even though he has to be my age. DoIlook that young?
“He was going to cut my throat open,” Freddie hisses, but he takes the cue from me and keeps his voice quiet. “Because you ratted on me.”
“Do you know what he would’ve done to me if I hadn’t?” I ask, crossing the room and stepping directly in front of him. “They’re holding me captive. I can’t risk pissing them off. You have to understand,” I say, my voice full of pleading like I’m nothing but a damsel in distress. “Please let me make it up to you.”
He eyes me. “And how are you going to do that?” he asks. There’s suspicion in his eyes, but I’ve gotten his interest, too. His gaze has traveled to my bare shoulder, from where I’ve let the shirt slip off to the side and show pale, perfect skin.
“I want to give you what you want,” I say.
Freddie laughs quietly, an edge of disbelief in his expression. “Yeah? And why would you want to do that?”
“Because then you’ll help me get out of this place,” I purr, pressing my body in close to his. “And you and I will get as far as we can. I have money.” He doesn’t need to know that my cash is gone, stolen by the men who stole me, or that I have nothing to ID myself to get more of it. I’ll figure something out. I always do.
“Oh, fuck no,” he says vehemently, shaking his head, but he doesn’t pull away from me. “I’m not helping you. If they catch me—”
I kiss him, interrupting his words. I feel like I’m reenacting every bad female-driven action movie there is, but I’m desperate, and the only currency I have right now is my body. Victor made it off limits for now, and Angelo had made it perfectly obvious that Victor’s order is all that stands between me and getting fucked by them. If the man in charge gives the order, I’m fucked for real, and I have no say in what happens to me.
At least this way, it happens under my terms.
After a startled moment, he kisses me back, melding his body against mine.
So. He feels safe enough in here to let go, or he’s horny enough not to care if he gets caught. I don’t claim to be beautiful enough for a man to throw away his life for, so he has to be pretty damn sure we won’t be interrupted. Perfect. We should have plenty of time for a quick fuck for leverage, then he can figure out how the hell to get us out of this place without sounding the alarms.
Maybe I’m giving him too much credit, but my options are limited—and I have a feeling that if I get caught, I won’t have a chance to try again. No, things will be hell for me if they figure out what I’m doing, and I have to get through this as fast as possible.
I slide my hand down Freddie’s front, immediately going to the buttons of his pants like I just can’t wait to get inside. He’s not bad looking, all things considered, and I’ve definitely fucked worse.
His breath catches, and I kiss him again, more insistently. His hand goes to my bare shoulder, then he seems to think better of it and slides his hand under my shirt. A wave of nausea runs through me as he starts to caress my breast, but I’m not going to lose my nerve now.