Page 33 of Breaking Lucia
Or so he claims. I’m staring at my computer screen and contemplating what other leverage I have that will bring him out in the open.
My phone dings with a new message from Santino.
There is no text, only two pictures. Both are of Lucia from different angles, naked—and completely shaved.
Now I know what Santino spent his morning doing.
I’m about to delete the message when I get another idea. We’ve already sent one video to Bellini, but clearly it wasn’t enough to impress the seriousness of the situation on him. Maybe he doesn’t think we’ll follow through, or maybe he got off on the pornographic video of his own daughter.
I call Santino and explain my plan to him.
“Fuck, you’re evil, you know that?” Santino says, a note of awe in his voice. “Yeah, I can put that together. But, uh, can we keep her for a bit longer? There’s no rush, right?”
I’ve been working to take over the city’s underworld for almost ten years now. I’m so close, I can almost taste it. I don’t want to wait another year. I don’t even want to wait another month.
“No rush, if you want to give Bellini time to gather his allies. Don’t let your dick get in the way of common sense, Santino.”
Lucia is beautiful, but no woman is worth compromising my plans for. I’ve seen too many men get led around by their cocks, only to be betrayed by their wives and girlfriends. With how easy it is to get sex, I don’t understand how people keep falling for the same tricks over and over.
Like Freddie. He should have realized what Lucia was up to, and the fact that he fell for her schemes anyway means he’s useless to me. I’ve already mentally written him out of the organization. He’ll be missing more than just his finger soon enough.
Santino sighs loudly over the phone. “I’m not thinking with my cock. I’m having fun. Don’t worry, I know my job.”
I’m sure he does. I trust Santino more than I trust Angelo, at least. “Just keep it in mind.” I hang up on him and scroll back to the pictures he sent.
That a man like Pavone would be willing to trade an alliance just for some pussy is a joke, but one I’ll use to my full advantage. My plan also includes using Lucia to my satisfaction. I’m not going to compromise my plans for her, but I can use her holes in the meantime.
I make one more call, then I lock up my laptop and leave the office, locking it behind me too. My next stop is the basement.
When I open the door, Lucia is sitting on a corner of the mattress, arms wrapped around her legs. She’s probably trying to hide Santino’s handiwork. What she doesn’t know is that her defiant glare arouses me a lot more than her nudity.
“Get up,” I tell her. “You’re getting a checkup.”
She doesn’t move. “What does that mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like. A doctor will look at you.” I hold the door open and look at her coldly.
“You’re suddenly worried for my well-being? Is he going to do a rape kit?” she asks sarcastically.
I don’t tolerate backtalk from my subordinates, and I’m not going to tolerate it from her. “I’d watch my words if I were you, Lucia. Your well-being hinges on my good will. And if you anger me, I don’t even need to let the staff have a go at you. I just need to tell Angelo he doesn’t have to hold back.”
The threat works wonders. Lucia scrambles to her feet, keeping her hands in front of her cunt. The useless modesty amuses me, and I feel the first stirrings of interest.
“Hands on the back of your neck,” I tell her.
She hesitates before she complies, and I can tell how hard it was for her. Santino would probably coo encouragements and praise, but I don’t say a word. Let her continue to worry about my thoughts. I admire the blush on her cheeks and the way her chest heaves.
I point at the door. “Out.”
“Are you going to tell me toheeltoo?” she mutters, but she starts to walk past me.
I stop her with a hand on her stomach. “I will tell you whatever I want, and you will do it. I won’t repeat myself. Do you understand?”
She bites her lips and nods slowly. I don’t think she’s fully absorbed her situation yet, despite last night, despite what Santino did to her this morning, but she will.
I let go and give her ass a light slap to get her moving again. She startles, but wisely keeps her mouth shut. She even manages to keep her hands on her neck.
“Down the hall.”