Page 38 of Breaking Lucia
It’s fine, I’m used to Victor’s cold attitude.
“I don’t know what the big deal is. After taking your cock, she’d be ruined either way.” I remember just how Lucia looked, cunt stretched around him. “I think it’s better this way. You would have traumatized a poor virgin girl.”
Angel scowls at me. “It’s the principle of the thing. But I guess you’re right. At least she wasn’t crying just from getting penetrated.” He glances at Victor. “Saint showed me what you did to her today. Jesus, I thoughtIwas mean to her.”
“Do you have a problem with it?” Victor asks. He doesn’t seem bothered by the question, but who even knows with Victor? He can genuinely praise somebody or order them killed without ever changing his tone or expression.
“We’re not going to ruin her the way Pavone ruined his exes, right? I’d put my foot down. That’s just wrong.”
“So forcing her to fuck us is okay, as long as we don’t ruin the way she looks?” I ask dryly. I take a sip of my beer. “You’re such a fucking hypocrite sometimes, Angel.” But then, we all knew that already. He’s got a weird view on things.
“Either way, it was a poor choice on Pavone’s part,” Victor remarks thoughtfully. “All he did was lessen Elena’s value. He could’ve made quite a bit more income from her videos if her beauty hadn’t been destroyed.”
Angel bumps his fist against my shoulder in a mock punch. “I’m not a hypocrite. And she agreed to fuck us, remember?”
I’m glad Lucia did, because I don’t think Victor would have let us touch her otherwise. He’s got iron self-control, but for me and Angel, it would have been pure torture to have that sweet cunt in our house and not being allowed to fuck her.
“I do want to DP her sometime,” Angelo adds. “You want to watch, Victor? Between me and Saint, she’ll be so loose afterward she probably won’t even feel your cock. I bet her ass will still be tight though.”
Victor snorts in amusement, but he nods. “Sure, invite me when you do. Although hold off on that until she’s a bit more broken in.”
“What do you want to do with her, Victor?” I ask. It’s not like we’ve ever discussed his sex life before, and seeing what seemed to get him off is… well, it’s not like I wouldn’t have expected it, but I wouldn’t have been able to call it, either. “You already seem more relaxed from just playing with her a little.”
“Do I? I didn’t do anything special with her.” Victor takes another sip of his drink. “I look forward to seeing her beg for my cock.”
Nothing special? I watched the footage a few times, and even though I’m not into most of the shit Victor did to Lucia, I had to rub one out. Twice. There’s something about the precise way Victor terrorized her, the humiliated and pained tears in her eyes… The picture Victor sent me afterward was gold too, just that closeup of her messed up face.
I want to keep all these videos private, just for us, but Victor thinks they’ll be great leverage over Bellini in the future. I’m torn between wanting Bellini to give in so we don’t have to share the footage, and hoping he continues to stonewall us so we can keep Lucia just a bit longer.
“She’s going to beg for all of us, I guarantee it,” Angel says, smiling lewdly. But his expression turns serious after that. “What do you want to do with Freddie? A finger’s all well and good, but he’s bubbling with resentment now. He’s a liability.”
“Why did he join us?” Victor directs his question at me, like he expects me to know the background of everybody in the organization.
Never mind that Ido, even though I can’t always remember off the top of my head. It’s part of my job to make sure I keep everyone under observation so we don’t end up with any rats that we have to exterminate. “Usual reasons, I think. Money,” I say. “Means he might be willing to go somewhere else for even more, if he thinks that’s possible. Maybe he thinks a cut-up finger is too harsh.” I smirk. That’s tame, especially for Victor—and Angel.
A cut-up finger is nothing, especially for touching our special property.
“Do you think it’s likely?” Victor asks.
Any time he asks my opinion, I still feel like that lost boy I was before he took me in under his wing, so desperate to please. I hesitate, though, because I’m not sure. I glance at Angel, quirking a brow. “What do you think?”
Angel shrugs. “I say we take him out back and shoot him just to save us the trouble. Maybe he’ll stay loyal, but even if he does, he’s not exactly a valuable asset.”
“Yeah, but if we kill him, there’s clean-up.” I groan. I don’t exactly feel like dealing with that hassle right now.
“Leave him for now,” Victor says. “We might need somebody expendable soon, depending on how things play out with Bellini.” He pauses for a few seconds before adding, “How are the preparations going for the party?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” I complain. “Are you sure we have to be the ones to host? Angelo, back me up on this. Security isn’t worth all this trouble.”
Angelo shrugs. “I think we can pull it off. Just fifty to one hundred guests, a few of them with grudges against each other while we have Bellini’s daughter locked up in the basement. I think Nico’s parties were worse. Fuck, his wedding alone was a nightmare.”
Oh, is that all? I’m the one who’s going to have to do all the background checks, set up new security cameras, make sure only the right people hear about the party...
Victor inclines his head at me. “Don Marino is an important ally. We have to show him he can trust us. And I need to butter him up if he’s going to support our play against Bellini.” The hard edge in his voice makes it clear he won’t hear more complaints about it.
“All right, all right, you’ve made your point. Let’s talk about something other than work,” I say.
All three of us go silent.