Page 73 of Breaking Lucia
I don’t need to tell him, though. Saint drops one hand down between my legs and fingers me until I moan, spreading my legs apart again. “You ready?” he asks me, as sweetly as if he’s really concerned about my comfort.
I nod, wanting to scream at him toget inside of me already, and he slowly pushes into me with a groan.
“You feel so good,” he murmurs against my lips before kissing me again. “Your cunt is so nice and wet.” Slowly, he starts thrusting, pulling almost all the way out before claiming me deep inside all over again each time. The metal of his piercing rubs insistently against my walls. I can’t help but moan against his lips, my eyes fluttering shut as he kisses me and fucks me in turn. He’s just as gentle as Victor had been, if a bit quicker, and it still feels amazing. I want to clench around him and keep him inside, too, instead of letting him tease me, but with the way he drives into me, I can feel him rubbing my g-spot on every stroke.
The feelings are so intense that I’m losing control, wrapping my arms around him and trying to urge him closer. Angelo’s lips tease along the side of my arm, teeth tickling lightly as he plays at biting me without the actual pain.
I almost wish he would mark me.
As good as it feels, I still haven’t come when Saint does. I feel the rush of his seed inside of me, and he groans, sagging on top of me as he finishes. Frustration runs through me, and I whine in protest as I try again to tighten my pussy around his cock and keep him in me. It works for a moment, but Angelo is already trying to shove Saint off so he can get to me.
There’s a bit of awkwardness while Saint and Angelo rearrange themselves, although Victor doesn’t budge from his spot. He keeps petting me, soothing me. I fumble for Saint’s hand and squeeze it, right as Angelo drives into me.
God, he’s so big. I can feel every inch of his cock as he slides deeper and deeper into me. I’m glad he waited, because even as desperate and wet as I was, I think it would have hurt to take him straight out of…. Straight from the box, tense and terrified. But now I enjoy that feeling of fullness, connecting me to him, to all of them. I moan when he bottoms out inside me.
“You’re so fucking good,” Angelo murmurs. He grips my thighs tightly. “Brace yourself now, Princess.”
I squeeze Saint’s hand a little more tightly, and Victor strokes my hair, brushing my forehead with his fingers. It’s like they’re all preparing me for what’s to come, and that’s the roughest of it all. I’m not sure I can handle it; they’ve been so gentle with me, and it feels like this is going to be a test.
But the way he thrusts into me, drawing back and pistoning his hips into me and making mefeelit, is anything but a test. It’sgood.
He doesn’t bother with starting off slow, but thankfully, I’m prepared enough to be able to take him. I’m so, so wet, from my own fluids and Victor and Saint’s cum inside of me. He’s able to thrust into me with ease, and I moan, fingers digging into Saint’s skin, as he delves deeper and deeper inside of me.
I’m getting close to that edge again, the one I couldn’t seem to tumble over with the other two. I can feel my orgasm building and building, and I just need a little more to get there.
But before I can, Angelo is adding to the mess inside of me as he grunts and kisses me hard. He slips out of me and sits back on his knees, utterly satisfied—unlike me.
I whine, feeling denied and pathetic, and I look up at him with all of the pleading I can summon in my eyes. They can’t just leave me here like this, needy and desperate. Can they? Not after how gentle they’ve been.
Unless this is another part of the punishment.
“Please,” I whimper, not willing to believe that.
Victor huffs a laugh against my ear, then he props himself up on an elbow. “Santino, eat her out.”
I sigh in relief, remembering just how good Saint’s tongue had been the last few times, but he doesn’t move. When I look at him, he has a strange expression on his face, like a deer caught in headlights. He shakes his head.
After a few moments of silence, Angelo mutters, “Really?” He strokes my sloppy cunt lightly, and when he pulls his fingers away, there’s an obvious glob of semen on them. With a glare in Saint’s direction, he licks his fingers clean.
Saint averts his eyes. I can’t make sense of his expression, but there’s something like guilt, maybe—or regret? No, I have to be reading him wrong. My head is clouded with lust and need, so I’m seeing things that aren’t really there.
Angelo huffs then moves, getting down onto the bed until his face is even with my pussy. He spreads my legs, glances up at Saint, and snipes at him, “At least play with her tits. Don’t just sit there and do nothing.”
Then he buries his face between my legs, and I don’t give a fuck what Saint or Victor are doing anymore. He’s not agile and skilled like Saint is, but he doesn’t have to be. He eats cunt like he’s dying for it, like he’s never going to get another taste of it—and unlike Saint, he doesn’t seem to give a damn that he’s also licking away cum with every stroke of his tongue.
Saint leans over and kisses my breast, nipping the skin lightly before finding my nipple with his teeth. He bites lightly, enough to make me feel it but not enough to make me cry out in pain, then starts to slowly suck. I moan louder; between the two of them and the warmth of Victor against my other side, it’s like everything horrible that happened is just a distant dream.
Angelo adds his fingers, sliding them inside me while he licks my clit, and at that exact moment, Victor kisses my mouth. My orgasm slams into me, overwhelmed as I am by all the sensations, and I moan loudly against Victor’s lips. Angelo’s fingers keep moving the entire time. He doesn’t pull them out until my convulsions subside.
It has to be the most delayed—and strongest—orgasm of my life.
I gasp heavily and turn my head to rest against Saint’s shoulder. Angelo sits up and helps me straighten my legs out, then moves to lie on Saint’s other side. Victor presses up against me.
“You did well,” he says, then kisses my neck. “What a good girl. I knew you could do it.”
As condescending as I realistically know his words are, they fill me with warmth. I close my eyes, cuddling in and getting comfortable, and I drift to sleep nestled between them.