Page 117 of Loving Lucia
“You fucking dyke cunt,” Pavone shouts at her. “I shoulda killed you as soon as you came running home.”
“That one doesn’t even make sense,” Lucia says. “First you accuse me of sleeping with too many men, now I’m a lesbian?”
“Yeah, his insults are kind of repetitive and unoriginal,” I say, still working Pavone’s cock, milking him like he’s a fucking cow. “Anyway, I think he’s about as hard as he’s going to get.” I let go and stretch my hand out along the length of his dick. “Hmm… Nah, Victor’s bigger. Turns out Pavone’s been compensating for his own micro-dick the entire time.”
“Where do you want to start?” Lucia asks. “I’ve never done this before.” She smirks. “Guess you get my first time doing something, huh, Angelo?”
“If you fucking—” Pavone splutters. “My men will murder all of you. Giulio is going to—”
“What men?” I ask with wry amusement. “I took out a good fifteen people at the church, and I wasn’t the only one. I’d be surprised if more than a handful of your staunch supporters survived.”
I grab his cock and hold it out of the way, so I can set the knife’s edge against his scrotum.
And for the first time in probably his entire life, Pavone says, “Please!”
Lucia and I both snort.
“I can pay you! I have money! More than Corvi! Just fucking let me go…”
I make a very small cut, causing Pavone to let out a high-pitched cry. “For some reason, I don’t think Pavone is very trustworthy. Do you?”
“Hmm.” She pretends to consider him for a moment, then reaches out to touch his cheek. He jerks away from her. “No, I don’t think he is. Sorry, Emilio. But I think I’m going to take my chances withVictor.”
“You stupid—” he starts to say, but I make another cut that causes him to cry out again.
“I’m taking your balls first,” I say. “Good thing you won’t be needing them.”
Warm urine suddenly starts to leak out onto my hand, and I wrinkle my nose in distaste.
“I’m not the one into piss play,” I tell him, but I don’t let go. Gross, but it’s not like it’s the first time a man has pissed himself when I’ve been having fun on their account. It does hurry my actions though, and I start sawing into his balls.
Blood gushes out, coating my hand and drowning out the smell of the piss. A few drops splatter onto Lucia’s white dress.
And Pavone screams and screams. The empty, tiled basement echoes with his cries while I saw off first one, then the second testicle. His gray wedding trousers stain red. It’s fascinating how the blood seeps down the fabric.
Pavone’s voice grows hoarse before I’m finished, which is a shame. But I hold up one testicle with fascination. “This is actually the first time I’ve castrated a man,” I say. “Fuck, this is kind of hot.”
Lucia rolls her eyes, though she looks a little more unsettled than I think she wants to let on. “Couldn’t have happened to a better man,” she says, deadpan. “So you made him cry. That was too easy, I think.”
I remember our bet, and I grin at her. “Thirty grand,” I tell her gleefully. “Because he’s gonna apologize to you here in a minute.”
Pavone doesn’t seem to be fully aware of our conversation anymore, likely too lost in the pain, but I slap his face with his own testicle.
“Hey! You need to apologize to Lucia,” I tell him.
Pavone stares dumbly at her, a pathetic shell of a man. I knew he’d crumble easily, but this? This is laughable. “I’m not… apologizing… to her…” he grates out between ragged breaths.
I tap his bloody testicle against his lips. “Apologize to Lucia right now, and I won’t make you eat your own balls.”
He jerks his head to the side, disgust mingling with the agony in his expression. He keeps his mouth closed, though, refusing to give in.
I sigh. “Fine. Lucia, can you grab his phone from his jacket pocket? Let’s record him and send the vid to all his friends.”
He looks more horrified at that than at the idea of eating his own balls, which is funny enough to make me grin as Lucia fishes out the phone. She unlocks it using his own finger, opening up the camera app and switching it to video mode before nodding to me.
“It’s recording,” she says cheerfully. “Smile for the camera, Emilio.”
“You… you fucking… cunt…” Pavone mumbles, but he’s woozy from the pain and he’s already used up his voice on screaming.