Page 131 of Loving Lucia
I shudder, but I’m not surprised Giulio is involved with someone who prefers it when his women fight back. I just don’t know if I can go utterly pliant and pretend to be unaffected.
“So, picture this: tall, skinny, small tits, long brown hair. Nice face, but not drop-dead gorgeous. Not like her sister, nowtherewas a looker. Anyway, she’s got this kind of sweet innocence about her. Pretends to be tough but she is fucking trembling, and we haven’t even done anything to her yet. Also, I have never seen Damien this taken with anybody. He’s had his hands on her every single minute he can. So he can stop pretending he doesn’t want something from her, that’s for sure.” Giulio gives Damien a very pointed look.
I don’t know why men think it’ll bother me to hear that my sister is prettier than I am, because it doesn’t. Lucia and I have never been rivals before, especially not when it comes to men. She’s always wanted their attention, and she’s been able to get it, whereas I’ve been more reserved. It’s not that I’m a virgin, but I know I don’t even have a tenth of her experience.
“I love it when they tremble,” the voice on the other end of the phone says. I can hear keys jingling, then the sound of a door closing. “Don’t let Damien have her before I get there.”
“Then don’t detour anywhere. Actually, wait, can you pick up some food? We’ve got drinks here but the snacks here suck. Damien, why don’t we have better food?”
Damien shakes his head. “Because you said this isn’t an all inclusive sort of place, and you don’t think a food license is worth it when the clientele here can barely afford the girls.”
“Just have something delivered,” the man says.
“No, you know they don’t deliver here! They see the address and think it’s a prank,” Giulio complains. “Come on, that Mexican place is on the way. Just bring some burritos for everybody.”
“Only if I get first dibs,” Slayer says, and I can hear a car starting. “You don’t have to get her ready for me.”
I look helplessly at Damien, wanting him to intervene, but what’s he going to do to help? Take me first, so I’m less appealing? No, thank you. “I’m not on the menu,” I tell him, though my voice is low because I don’t want the other man to hear me speaking.
Giulio waves dismissively at me. “Yeah, you can have her first. And I want the vegetarian burrito, okay? With extra cheese and guac.”
The line goes dead.
Giulio stares at his phone in disbelief. “Did he hang up on me?”
“It’s a wonder more people don’t hang up on you,” Damien says. He starts dragging me toward the sofa. “Giulio… I don’t want Vanessa for myself. I want her foryou.”
I struggle against Damien, but it’s pointless. All I can do is slow him down a little, and before I know it, I’m sitting next to Giulio. “I’m still here!” I snap. “And I don’t want any of you.”
“Yeah, shut up for now,” Giulio says to me. “What do you mean, you want her forme? I’ve got plenty of girls available.”
Damien sits down next to me, keeping me from getting back up. My pleas feel worse than ignored. They’re having an actual conversation around me, like I’m not really here and I’m just a pawn.
Damien runs one hand over my stomach. Even through the bridesmaid dress, his touch feels far too hot.
“She’s a Bellini, right? And she’s your type. I thought…” Damien sighs. “She’d make a good mother for your children.”
I stare dumbly at Damien, not even able to try to move as I work through what he’s saying.
“I know she’s smart, and she’s attractive. Nobody would question if you married her and then took on her father’s business.”
Giulio’s expression darkens for the first time that day, and he suddenly looks much, much more like his father. “This fucking thing again? I told you, I don’t care about heirs or legacy or whatever. I can take over Bellini’s operations without being married into the family or siring Bellini children.”
Damien keeps stroking my stomach in slow circles. The touch feels even more sinister now that I know exactly what Damien is imagining.
“Why not? Don’t you want to see her stomach swelling up, knowing that it’syour childinside her? That you’ve bred her, that you’re going to leave behind something great?”
I grab Damien’s wrist, digging my fingernails into his skin, and manage to stumble up to my feet. “Stop touching me!” Despite my anger and my fear — or maybe because of it — my voice wavers, and the words sound pathetic even to my ears. The idea of bearing a child to a piece of trash like Giulio Pavone is sickening. What would Lucia say? “Find some gold digger who actually wants you, andleave me alone.”
“Why’s this so important to you, man?” Giulio asks, completely ignoring my outburst. “I’ve got you, I’ve got Slayer, I have all these clubs with a lot of girls… And a full criminal empire now, damn, that’s going to eat up all my time.”
Damien spares me one glance before taking Giulio’s hand and gently stroking it. “We aren’t immortal, Giulio. Who are you going to leave all of this to, when we’re gone? You want one of the other groups to swoop in in the power struggle? I’m older than you, I’ll probably be gone before you.”
“Even if you were younger, you’d end up taking a bullet for me and leaving me alone, you fucker.” Giulio pulls his hand away and makes a show of yawning. “Fine, whatever. We can try to knock her up. Which willseverelydevalue her, FYI. And I’m not fucking marrying her. She can pop out a few babies and we can figure out what to do with her after that.”
“Are either of you even listening to me?” I ask, tears starting to trail down my cheeks. “I’m not consenting to this. Do you understand me?”
Finally Giulio looks straight at me. “Read the room! We were having an important conversation.” He stands up, circling in on me again, and I back away despite there being no place to go. “I guess you aren’t too bad. You’ve got similar coloring to Damien. It’d almost be like he and I had a kid together.” Then he laughs. “Actually, maybe she should have your kid, Damien. Oooh, and we should let Slayer spooge in her too, then we’ll have no clue whose it is.”
“An important conversation?” I sputter, wiping uselessly at my tears. “About using my body to have your spawn? I think I have a place in that conversation, and my answer is no.”
Damien shakes his head. “Not Slayer’s,” he says, and even though my anxiety is rising to impossible levels, I can still hear the bite in his voice. “He doesn’t get to come in her.”
“None of you do!” I yell.
Giulio grabs my wrist and shoves me in the direction of the bed. “All right, let’s get her ready for Slayer. Naked, ropes… or should we let her run around the room while he chases her? That’s always fun. Fuck, imagine, we can DP her after we ‘catch’ her… Yeah, like a wild hunt or something. I need to start writing these ideas down, they’d be great for a themed club.”
The two of them keep talking, ignoring me, and I realize with dread that there’s nothing I can do to stop them.