Page 22 of Loving Lucia
I realize a perfect opportunity has presented itself, wrapped in gilded paper and set out on a silver platter. I know enough about Victor to help Pavone. I know things I shouldn’t. I know about his men, about his operations, about his warehouses, about his plans.
I know how much he loves his yacht, and how much he values Saint and even Angelo, though he’d never admit to that.
Maybe I wasn’t as out of the loop as I thought I was, and that knowledge has my heart tightening strangely.
But telling Pavone would mean two things that I’m not sure I want to do: it would reveal that I’d paid a lot closer attention than I want him to know, and… it would put Victor at risk.
I want Pavone to think I’m ignorant, even empty-minded. I’ve already been too calm around him, which may have been a mistake. If I tell him what I know…
I need him to think I’m non-threatening.
But I could use him to destroy Victor, and Victor deserves that and more.
“Well, babe?” Pavone prods, squeezing my thigh. “You know anything about Corvi?”
I shake my head slowly. “I’m sorry,” I say quietly. “He just… he’d use me when he could. Get frustrated when he couldn’t. But he barely talked to me.”
I’m not doing this for Victor, I tell myself. I simply don’t want to give Pavone more power than he already has. Right now, I still have a chance of escaping this wedding. As long as Pavone is distracted, as long as he still has enemies… but if Pavone kills Victor, that’d send a message across the city that would make any other mafia players take a much more cautious approach.
Killing Victor won’t free me. The revenge would be—sweet, I’d enjoy it, I’m sure I would, I definitely would—but ultimately useless.
“Fucking useless,” Pavone says, still smiling. “Guess women really aren’t meant for more than fucking. Damn shame Corvi got to you before I did. You were saving yourself up for marriage and look where that got you. You could have had me a year ago.”
I wonder what would’ve happened if I had. Would I still be here, in this position? Or would he have just fucked me and left me alone after that? Damn it, I hated cheating married men, but maybe I should’ve made an exception.
It’s too late now.
“I wish I had,” I tell him, and I’m not even lying.
“Yeah?” He laughs. “I knew once you had me, you wouldn’t be able to get enough.” He slides his hand higher up, flipping my dress up to reveal the lacy underwear I’m wearing. “You know, I think you need to prove you aren’t just a useless cunt. You made me do all the work before. You should show me just how much you want me.”
I don’t want him at all, but I can read the implication of what he’s suggesting. “I… I’m not sure… That is, what would you like me to do?”
He rolls his eyes at me and pulls at the panties. The fabric holds, but just barely. “Take these off and ride me, babe. You can at least do that much, right?”
I nod, ducking my head to hide my annoyance. Fucking men. At least he has to let go of me so I can remove my panties.
Pavone takes them from me and brings them up to his nose, giving them a nice, long sniff. “Love that smell. Maybe I should sell it. Eau de Lucia?”
If he likes the smell so much, he could put his nose right to the source and actually try to get me off. But I’m glad he doesn’t actually bother with my pleasure. It would make getting through these sessions even harder.
It would remind me of Saint.
Ignoring the comment, I start to straddle his lap, but he stops me. “Nah, face the other way, babe. The view is so nice, you don’t want to miss it.”
At least this way, I don’t have to look him in the face while I fuck him, so I’m not going to complain. I take a moment to pull his cock out of his pants, wishing I had a chance to get some lube. Taking him dry is going to be uncomfortable, but I can manage.
He’s already hard, so I don’t have to work on that. I have to wonder if he lives on Viagra. He always seems to have an erection.
Maybe he’s just getting off that much on this situation. I don’t know. But if I find any little blue pills, I’m flushing them.
I turn my back on him and fumble a little as I try to guide his cock head to my cunt. It’s a little difficult to get the tip of him inside me, but I manage after a moment. I’m glad he can’t see my grimace.
I start to slowly sink down, only for him to grab my waist and force me down all the way. I yelp and tighten up further, causing his cock to drag even more painfully.
“Damn. Corvi really didn’t make use of you at all. Fucking tight,” Pavone mutters.
It’s strangely funny, after hearing Angelo accuse my cunt of being so loose. I would laugh if I wasn’t in pain, if I didn’t know just how precarious this situation really was.