Page 6 of Loving Lucia
“Hmm,” Pavone says when I grab my dress to pull it on. “I think you can lose the panties.”
I fumble and nearly drop the dress. “Um. My… my father is still in the room.”
Pavone looks over at my father briefly. “Giorgis, it’s not a problem, is it?”
“Of course not. I used to change your diapers, girl, there’s nothing new here for me,” my father answers smoothly, although he’s a fucking liar because I know he never once lifted a finger to help care for us. At least I can see his discomfort, the way he shifts in deference to Pavone.
I wonder if I would have noticed those small tells before all of this.
Do I have Victor to thank for my new awareness?
“F-fine,” I answer. I place the dress on top of the dresser and, with trembling hands, pull my panties down. Part of me wants to fight, but I know fighting isn’t going to help. I learned that very well with Victor. It’s better to play along, to bide my time.
I still feel detached from my body as Pavone approaches to inspect me closer. He grabs my ass and pinches crudely, and I wince, still feeling the lingering bruises from where Victor had whipped me with his belt.
“Corvi did this to you?” Pavone asks, pushing down on the welts.
“Yes,” I answer flatly.
Pavone reaches around and strokes my belly, where the piercing used to be. “And this?”
I almost tell him about Saint, but at the last second I change my mind. “Corvi wanted me to be pretty for him. But I took the piercing out as soon as I was free.”
“Bit of a shame. I guess he’s got good taste.” Pavone walks around to stand in front of me, shielding me from my father’s eyes. “How’d you escape, anyway?”
Fuck. I don’t know what Vanessa has told them, or if she’s spoken to them at all. I can’t risk getting caught in a lie, but I don’t want to share anything about yesterday with Pavone, either.
And, I realize, I don’t want Pavone to know what I’m capable of.
“They weren’t paying attention,” I say quietly. “I ran and hid.”
“Simple as that?” Pavone asks, touching where my pussy hair has started to grow back. “This is becoming, too. You should get waxed next time, though.”
“It wasn’t simple,” I tell him, ignoring the comment about my pubic hair. “The guards just weren’t paying attention and I took advantage of it to come home.”
Which is seeming more and more like a mistake by the second.
“Corvi’s a hack,” Pavone says with a surprising amount of humor. “Can’t even keep one girl locked up. How the fuck are you losing to him, Giorgis? You should have swept him and his famiglia up years ago.”
My father turns red in the face, although he’s still avoiding looking in our direction. “He has a lot of friends. And it’s not just me. Al Ricci got killed by him too. He was one ofyourmen.”
I’m glad that Pavone’s attention seems to be laser-focused on my father now so he doesn’t see the shift in my expression. Neither of them will ever find out that Ricci died at my hand. I don’t know what they’d do, but an early morning visit to harass me while I’m getting dressed wouldn’t even compare.
“Al Ricci was only there to clean up your messes,” Pavone says. “How close did Al Capone get, babe?” He places a hand around my waist and pulls me close. “Did he kill a few of Corvi’s men, first?”
Did he? I don’t remember. Most of what I remember from that night is Ricci’s forehead exploding in blood from my bullet.
“I didn’t see anything,” I say cautiously. “They—he—kept me locked up.”
Shit. I need to remember not to slip up. I don’t know why it’s important that Pavone not know it wasn’t Victor alone, but I’ll take any advantage I can get. Information is power, and the more I have—the less Pavone has—the better the position I’m in. Another thing I learned from Victor.
“Fucking useless daughter you have,” Pavone says to my father. “Good thing she’s pretty, but it’s a shame that Corvi ruined her. I would have liked to have her virgin pussy.”
My eyes lock with my father’s. He knows I’ve slept around, despite his warnings to the men. He’s killed and maimed enough people who’ve gotten their hands—and cocks—on me. But he grunts his assent.
“Corvi’s probably got a small enough cock it won’t make a difference,” my father says.
Hearing them talk about me like this is just as dehumanizing as the way Victor treated me. I’m just an accessory, something to put on a shelf and lock away. If I wasn’t pretty, I wouldn’t have any value at all.