Page 116 of Claiming Vanessa
But the hand on my back is firm, and I know, even if I escape, that won’t help the girls at Ntimacy. It won’t help Stef.
So I passively allow Slayer to put me in the back of his unmarked car, child locks engaged, and drive me back.
I’m not sure if I should be relieved or apprehensive that Slayer brings me to Giulio’s condo instead of Ntimacy. It probably doesn’t make a difference at all, since either way I’m going to be dealing with all three of them.
Damien opens the door for us. He inclines his head at Slayer. “Thank you for bringing her back.”
Slayer shrugs, pushing me into the condo and following me inside. “Good thing I was on duty when Giulio called. They’d have just called me anyway, but there might’ve been paperwork.” He makes a face. “I hate dealing with paperwork, especially with shit like this.”
I shrink back, not wanting to face Giulio or Damien. Slayer doesn’t seem pissed, and it’s ironic that he feels like the safest person in the room right now.
They lead me into the large living room, where Giulio is sitting on the couch with his eyes closed and legs on the coffee table. He could have been napping. He doesn’t look angry at all.
Then he cracks an eye open. “Guess Damien was wrong about you.”
For some reason, that hurts, and I’m not even sure why. “So what are you going to do with me?” I ask, my voice barely audible. If Damien was wrong, and I’m not useful after all…
I should’ve listened to Elena. I should’ve listened toCat.
“Book smarts really don’t translate into anything else.” Giulio yawns, then makes a dismissive motion. “Damien, Slayer, strip her down and make sure she’s not carrying anything. Who knows what she got up to on her little adventure.”
I don’t like this lazy, casual side of Giulio, not when I know this is following his rage at me for disobeying—and he can’t be happy at all about me running away. They’re going to make me pay for it, and I just don’t know what they’re going to do to even start to prepare myself for it.
“Take off your shoes,” Slayer orders me, and I kick off the sandals.
Slayer grabs for my shirt, yanking it over my head and tossing it onto the couch near Giulio. Damien unfastens my pants and pulls them and my panties down in one smooth motion, and those, too, are discarded near Giulio. Not without some respect, because they don’t throw them on the floor, but they’re still callous about the way they undress me.
Once I’m fully undressed, which takes a frighteningly short amount of time, Slayer steps in close to me. “I’ve done plenty of cavity searches,” he says with a cruel smile. “We’ll make sure to give her the full examination.”
“Be thorough,” Giulio says. He yawns again. “Fuck, I did not want to be awake this early just for this.”
He’s so callous about all of this, just like he was with Stef, and I wish I had the nerve to rail at him for it. I wish I thought it would make a difference, but the truth is that he’s a sick bastard and nothing is going to change that.
I stay quiet as Slayer and Damien take turns sliding their hands down my body, making a big show of it more than actually checking me for anything. I try not to react to what they’re doing, but when Slayer forcibly spreads my legs and shoves a dry finger inside me, I can’t help but yelp.
Slayer wiggles his finger around, and it’s so uncomfortable that I have to fight not to squirm. “Nah, don’t feel anything in here,” he announces. “You wanna check her ass, Damien?”
No, I plead.
“Yes,” Damien answers in his deadpan voice. “But I need gloves.” He squeezes my ass briefly before walking toward the kitchen and opening a drawer. When he comes back, he has a latex glove on one hand. That he knows exactly where Giulio keeps his disposable gloves says something. That Giulio even keeps disposable gloves…
Slayer pushes me toward the coffee table. “Bend over and put your ass in the air,” he directs me, with the confidence of someone who’s done this a thousand times. He probably has, all on women who don’t want to be touched by him.
I obey, though, not wanting to make this any worse on myself by refusing. I feel so vulnerable, naked and presented like this to Damien, and I squeeze my eyes closed as I try to think of something else, as I try to pretend I’m somewhere else.
The latex glove makes Damien’s hand feel colder. He prods at my hole with one finger, then drives in with no further warning. No lube, either, and I whimper at the burn. I can’t see the look on his face, but his touch is almost professional. It seems like he’s taking an eternity to feel around inside of me, like he really does expect to find something, and I breathe a ragged sigh of relief when he finally pulls his hand away.
“Nothing in there,” Damien says calmly. “Although you might want to clean her out if you intend to use her ass.”
He goes to drop the used glove in the trash can.
Giulio moves his bare feet so they’re right in front of my face. With horror, I watch as one foot lifts up and closes the distance, until it’s touching me.
“Maybe some other time.” Giulio’s foot rubs along my cheek, as if caressing me. “But I don’t know. I have too much shit to deal with anyway. You think she’s worth keeping, Damien?”