Page 20 of Claiming Vanessa
I don’t particularly like her questioning me like this, but it’ll take her time to learn her place here.
“You misunderstand. I don’t care that it’s happening. But if it’s going to happen anyway, then I, and Giulio, may as well profit from it.” I smile gently at her. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you aren’t put into the line-up. You’re worth more than any of the other girls. We’ll treat you well.”
Vanessa shakes her head. “That doesn’t make it any better, Damien,” she says flatly. “You may lack empathy, but I don’t. Icarethat this is happening to other women. I don’t know who assigns value to them, but none of them are worth more or less than the others. They’re all people.”
“You really will make a good mother,” I say. “You’ll care about your child regardless of how you conceived it.” I can already imagine her doting over the baby. “Giulio was a bit dismissive earlier, but he’s the same. He has strong caretaker instincts, when he’s found somebody to care for.”
“Oh? Is that how he’s taking care ofAntonia?” she asks scathingly, shaking her head. “He has a woman in a cage at his house, and you think that’s caring for her?”
For a second, I’m stunned, then I have to laugh. “You think… Oh. No, Giulio doesn’t have a woman in a cage. But I’m sure he’ll introduce you to Antonia someday, when he’s become fonder of you.”
Vanessa stares at me, uncomprehending, but I’m not going to spoil this for Giulio. He’ll enjoy it more if she goes in blind, and I’m not going to take the satisfaction away from him.
“I want a shower,” she says abruptly. “And clothes.”
I nod and gesture to the alcove at the other side of the small room. “The shower and toilet are there. I’ll bring you something to wear.” After a pause, I say, “In the morning. Unfortunately, I don’t trust you not to attempt to run just yet.”
From the look she gives me, it’s clear she’s considered it, though it’s not like it’s possible. The door only locks from the outside, and I’ll be making sure she stays inside as much as possible until we can trust her not to try to bolt.
“Fine,” she says after a long moment as she stares at the alcove. There’s no curtain for the shower, which leaves everything in plain view. I don’t think she’s noticed the small camera in the corner yet, either, which ensures she gets no privacy at all in the nearly empty room. “Then you can leave now.”
I reach out to stroke her belly once more. “The girls who learn they can’t change things, who adapt, are the ones who survive. The ones who fight too much… There are other places we send them. Worse ones. They sometimes fetch even more money, because the kind of men who buy them are the ones who can’t find their fun in legitimate clubs.”
Vanessa jerks back away from me like my touch burned her. Her eyes are blazing in a way I haven’t seen before. “And you’re just… okay with that too?” she demands. “Oh, can’t tame her, let’s just toss her to the wolves and make more money off of her? Never mind that she probably gets raped to death. But who cares? You made a fucking profit.”
“That was a threat, Vanessa,” I tell her gently. “I like you. I want you to have Giulio’s children. But if you don’t cooperate, then we have no use for you.”
Vanessa shakes her head, looking at me with nothing but contempt. “I hate you,” she says flatly. “You’re even worse than Emilio was.”
“Did I give you the impression I wasn’t?” I ask, surprised. “How do you think I worked for him, all these years?”
Her lips form a thin line. “Get out.”
I nod in acknowledgment and head toward the door. “Good night, Vanessa.”
She doesn’t answer as I leave. I lock the door behind me, waiting just a moment until I hear the shower start up. I’ll check the camera feed later to see how she’s doing.
Sitting with my back to the wall, where I have a good view of everyone entering and exiting the small cafe Giulio and I frequent, I flip through the menu I’ve already memorized. It’s not like it’s going to make a difference. I’m going to have the same thing I always have, though Giulio tends to be a little more adventurous.
But it’s breakfast. It’s more a necessity than something fun.
Of course, Giulio always disagrees, but he’s all about finding thefunin everything.
When he finally arrives, he joins me at the table, and I wave to the carafe of coffee. “You’re lucky I didn’t order without you,” I grumble. “I’m starving.”
“My bad. There was a lot of traffic,” Giulio says, not sounding the least bit remorseful.
He always gives traffic as an excuse, even if it’s in the middle of the night and the roads are clear.
Giulio picks up the menu and starts scanning it. “Man, when does their menu change? I’ve had all the breakfast specials already. We should pick somewhere else next time.”
I grunt. This isn’t the first time he’s whined about the static menu, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. But I like the service, the food is great, the tables are spaced just right for private conversations, and it’s just out of the way enough to where I don’t have to worry about running into anyone I don’t want to see. “At least they have some vegan shit for you,” I say. “Or are you pescatarian this week?”
“I asked for extra cheese last night! That’s not vegan at all.” Giulio turns around to signal the server. “Hey, we’re ready to order.”