Page 74 of Claiming Vanessa
His grin only widens. He runs a hand over my bare thigh, and I realize now that he isn’t even holding the snake anymore. It’s simply hanging off his shoulders, moving… moving towards me.
His hand slips past the fabric of the skirt, and he palms my bare pussy. “Y’know, I never even considered doing something like this before. This is really, really interesting.”
I yelp, but I’m too scared of the snake to make any sudden movements while it’s trying to get closer to me. I don’t understand why it’s doing that. I obviously don’t want it, and I don’t want to hear that terrible hissing again. “D-don’t touch me,” I whimper through my sobs.
Giulio ignores me, using two fingers to rub insistently at my clit. “Fuck, this is hot. Maybe we don’t need to roleplay. I just have to come up with new ways to scare you.” He kisses the side of my jaw, and that’s when the snake drapes part of its body over my shoulder entirely.
I sob harder, trying to stay still, and my body can’t decide if it wants to freak out or react to his touch. It’s miserable either way, and I don’t know what to do. The scales feel strange against my skin, and the thing keeps sliding more onto me. My chest is tight as I struggle to remember how to breathe, and all the while, Giulio’s fingers work on my clit. He’s too damn good at this, and it’s impossibly arousing despite the circumstances. I don’t understand how I can be so terrified while still feeling even a modicum of pleasure.
I whimper when the snake suddenly slides down my chest, over my bare skin. It’s so impossibly long, longer than either Giulio or I are tall. I squeeze my eyes shut, but that doesn’t help me disappear from this situation.
“You look so good like this,” Giulio whispers. “Next time, we’ll have you naked on the bed so Antonia can slither all over you. Maybe her tongue will flick against your pussy.” He slides one of his fingers inside me at that moment, and I hate how my body immediately clenches.
How can I be so nauseated and terrified and still be getting wet? I start to shake my head, but I don’t want to make the snake move any more than it is. I don’t know how Giulio can call it ashe, when it’s a terrifying reptile that could probably strangle me in seconds. “Why are you doing this?” I sob.
Giulio runs his tongue along the shell of my ear, even flicking it as a snake would. “Because it’s fun. Hasn’t everybody told you already? That’s the only thing I care about.”
“I hate you,” I whisper, even as my body trembles at his touch.
“That’s hurtful,” Giulio says mockingly. “Even though I’m being so, so nice to you.” He moves his fingers more insistently, rubbing along some spot inside me that makes me squirm—and startles the snake into moving once more. “You think most women at Ntimacy get this many orgasms?”
“I d-don’t…” I bite my lip, trying to ward off the growing pleasure, trying to focus on the snake even though it terrifies me. “I don’t want them. I don’t want this. I don’t wantyou.”
Everything Elena told me about playing along has gone out of the window as I get more and more terrified—and more and more aroused. I can’t do this. I’m going to pass out if I can’t get my breathing under control. How is it possible my body is doing this to me?
“When you’re knocked up, we should do a photoshoot. Your large, distended belly, with Antonia curling around it.” He chuckles as he continues to work his fingers inside me. “We could pretend you’re giving birth to some monster babies. Half snake, half human.”
He’s disgusting. He’s absolutely disgusting, and terrible, and the idea of it has me wanting to throw up even as my body convulses around his fingers. I cry out as my pussy clenches, as he rubs that spot until I can’t handle it anymore and I’m trembling with the force of the unwanted climax.
Giulio chuckles as he withdraws his fingers. He presses his lips against mine once more, and I’m still panting, delirious, so I don’t realize I’m half kissing back until it’s too late.
I close my eyes, not wanting to look at him, yet as soon as he lets go of me, my knees buckle.
“Don’t—” I say, conscious of the snake still on my body.
Giulio laughs again. “Chill, Vanessa. I’ll be right back to give you my cock. But Antonia’s had enough playtime for today.”
I’m torn between loathing that he still intends to fuck me after terrorizing me like that and relief that the snake is finally going to go back into its habitat. At least then there will be a panel of glass between us.
I’m going to have nightmares of that snake slithering around my body, of Giulio’s taunt of me having half-snake babies.
He coos to it as he puts the snake back into its enclosure, and I squeeze my eyes tightly shut as I try to recover from the force of my climax. How is it even possible that my body can continue to feel so much pleasure despite the fear and the dread?
I can’t even catch my breath.
I lean heavily against the desk in front of me, using it to hold myself up now that Giulio’s moved away. I’m disgusted with myself, with my body, for reacting so strongly to his touch.
“I think Antonia likes you,” Giulio says as he latches the enclosure door shut. “She doesn’t always react so calmly to strangers.”
I shudder again, trying not to imagine what a giant snake is like when itisn’tdocile. It was bad enough feeling it slithering all over my body.
Giulio steps up behind me and pulls on my hips, forcing my ass against his crotch. I can feel the heavy weight of his cock through his jeans, and I tense up.
I’m not sure whether to be grateful for the fact that I’m wet or utterly humiliated—a bit of both, I think, because it’ll make this easier to bear even if I hate myself a little more each time this happens.
I can feel him unfastening his jeans, feel his cock bare against my ass as he rubs it against me.
“I read it can take up to a year to get pregnant, even when trying regularly,” Giulio says casually. “Or Damien read it to me. I think he was trying to convince me to fuck you more often than I have been.” He reaches around to stroke my stomach. “But a fertile young thing like you, you’ll swell up a lot faster, right?”