Page 79 of Claiming Vanessa
I shake my head. I’m not interested in any of Damien’s spicy stuff, especially after my mouth had been set on fire by the Indian food that night.
Damien returns, setting the bright red jam onto the table and taking his own seat. I realize now that I’m between the two of them. There’s a fourth open spot across from me, but of course they arranged it so that I’m boxed in.
“You didn’t make coffee,” Damien says. “And no, don’t get up to make any, we’ll buy some on the way there.”
“Look, it’s fucking early, you can’t expect me to remember everything.” Giulio adds jam to his own waffles and takes a bite, smiling after the first swallow. “Damn, there’s nothing quite like a homemade waffle. If I had more time I would have tried a more interesting combo though. Like the flaxseed ones we tried at that one place—”
I wrinkle my nose. Flaxseed waffles don’t sound remotely appealing. I could see adding some fruit to the batter, but that’s about as healthy as I want my waffles. I don’t interrupt, though, instead quietly eating my own waffle before reaching for another one.
Damien keeps watching me while I eat, and it unnerves me. He’s always been a little too intense, but it feels even worse now that I know the sort of thoughts that are running through his mind about me.
That I’m breeding stock, that I’m going to be the mother of Giulio’s children, that I’m someone to fuck and nothing more.
He reaches out to brush some of my hair back, and I flinch away from him.
“What are you going to do with Vanessa?” Damien asks. “You can’t leave her here. Unless you have chains lying around?”
“Nah, I’m not into that BDSM stuff.” Giulio strokes my head from the other side. “Well, a little bow might be cute around her neck. Like a pampered pet?” He yawns again. “She needs to go back to Ntimacy.”
I flinch at his touch, pulling away and focusing on my waffle. Maybe he’ll leave me here, but I doubt it. They won’t risk me escaping, and they know that if they leave, I’m out of here. This is a safe place, and all I have to do is find someone sympathetic with a cell phone and I’m gone…
But to where?
The realization that I have nowhere to go hits me like a freight train.
I don’t know where my ID is. I have no bank cards to access money. My mom made it clear that she doesn’t want me around, and I don’t even know where she is. I don’t know how to find Lucia, either, even if she’d be able to help.
My stomach lurches, and I shove the plate away, suddenly losing my appetite.
Damien glances at his watch. “If you want to have enough time to drop her off and get to the meeting, we need to get going now. The meeting starts in two hours.”
“Ah-hah! So you did tell me a much earlier time in anticipation of me fucking around.” Giulio smirks at me. “Look at him,managingme. It’s like he doesn’t trust me!”
I wouldn’t trust him either. Idon’ttrust him, and I never will.
The playful banter can’t erase what I know about him. It had been easy, when it had just been me and Giulio and he’d been treating me like I was a human being, but now that Damien’s here… I can’t forget why I’m really in Giulio’s apartment.
I can’t forget what happened last night, and I shudder, staring at my uneaten second waffle.
“Anyway, no need to ruin a good breakfast.” Giulio dips his fingers into a glob of jam on his plate and starts to bring it up to his mouth but stops halfway. He catches my eyes and grins, then brings his jam-coated fingers up to my lips. “Lick.”
I stare at him, wishing he really was running late and that he did have to leave right then. I just want to be left alone. The relatively positive feelings I’d been having toward Giulio while he’d been fixing the waffles are all but gone, and I’m remembering just what role I play in all of this.
I obey, though, taking his fingers into my mouth and sucking on them. I try not to imitate a blowjob, but it ends up seeming obscene anyway.
Damien brings his hand up to the back of my neck and starts rubbing in slow circles while Giulio’s fingers are in my mouth. I shudder with revulsion, but what can I do?
“Hey, Damien…” Giulio says as he slides his fingers farther into my mouth, stroking the very back of my tongue. “Do we really need two hours to get there? Because I think we should pump her full before we drop her off. You can play with my cum inside her cunt, then slide your own cock in, all slick and smooth from my seed…”
Damien tightens his grip briefly and groans loudly. “This is why I can’t trust you to be on time.”
I gag on Giulio’s fingers when he presses a little too hard, a little too deep, trying to pull back. But Damien’s grasp on my neck keeps me from going far, and I’m stuck between the two of them, unable to do anything but mouth at Giulio’s sticky, sweet fingers.
“If you say we’re running late, we’ll have to stop here.” Giulio turns his fingers to rub the roof of my mouth, which tickles in the worst way. “I guess Slayer can enjoy her this morning.”
“No,” Damien says sharply. “There’s… there’s time. We should take her.”
The two of them stare at each other for a few seconds, with Giulio’s smile growing increasingly smug even as he continues to violate my mouth.