Page 85 of Claiming Vanessa
A full body shudder runs through her. Vanessa meekly lets me guide her toward the back door of Ntimacy, and I pound on it until it opens up.
It takes a while, but Donny opens the door, glaring at me. “I was coming already! Fuck, don’t wake the neighborhood. They already hate us.” He turns his attention to Vanessa, and his eyes widen. “What are you wearing?”
Vanessa shifts uncomfortably, blushing like she’s wearing some slutty getup instead of a t-shirt and jeans. “Clothes. Giulio gave them to me,” she says defensively.
“Don’t worry. They’ll be off soon enough,” I say cheerfully. “C’mon, Donny. I’m taking her to her room, then she and I are going to spend some quality time together.”
“Yeah, come in.” He steps aside so Vanessa and I can get in, and immediately locks the door behind us. “Fuck, I didn’t want to be here this early. And now…” He pauses and eyes me. “I didn’t realize you’d be bringing her, too. The guy’s upstairs, in her room.”
I tighten my grip on the back of Vanessa’s neck until she whimpers. “What guy?”
“Y’know. The one you’re supposed to… handle? Giulio said he was sending you.” Donny gestures in the direction of the stairs. “The guy refused to show Cat his cock, which was fucking weird since he propositioned her first, so we’re pretty sure he’s undercover or something.”
Fucking Giulio. It would’ve been nice to have a heads-up, but I only nod like I know what’s going on. “He mentioned it, but you know how your boss is. He didn’t give details. Anything else weird? You don’t usually keep people just because they won’t show their cocks,” I say with a sigh. “And don’t tell me he just looked like a cop.”
“It wasn’t me! Paul decided to lock him up. And shoved the whole thing onto my plate, because he’s afraid of Giulio.” Donny leads us upstairs, where we can hear somebody pounding on the door from inside Vanessa’s room.
“Let me out! Help!”
Donny rolls his eyes. “He’s been doing that for the past hour. Nobody can get any sleep.”
“You want to tell me why Paul didn’t think to fuckingtie him upandgag him?” I ask sharply. “I’m going to have to rush him and secure him, and then that’s that. I’ll have to fucking kill him if he is a cop, and I’m not cleaning up that mess. That’s gonna be on you.”
Vanessa whimpers and tries to move away from me, but I tighten my grip on her neck.
Donny grimaces. “Yeah, fine. Won’t be the first body we’ve had to dispose of. Although usually it’s because they OD, not… this.” He rubs his face. “Don’t make it too bloody, okay? I’ve got needles and product if you want to make it look like he OD'd.”
“Yeah, guess I’d better.” I sigh. “But he’s gonna be all bruised, even if it’s just his fucking hands from pounding on the door. Jesus Christ, I am going to beat the shit out of Paul next time I see him.”
Vanessa flinches, but she doesn’t try to move again.
“I think he’s gotta die either way, but it’d be nice to know if Paul was right about him being a cop.” Donny pulls his keycard out and holds it up. “Ready?”
“Good thing I carry handcuffs on me,” I say, smirking a little as I pat my back pocket. “They always come in handy.”
I’m not worried that the man on the other side can physically overpower me, but I am concerned about how much damage I’m going to have to do to subdue him. It’s harder to play a death off as an OD when they’re covered with bruises, but it can’t be helped.
Fucking Paul.
Fucking undercover cops.
“All right, let’s go. Vanessa, you can come in and watch.”
“I don’t want to watch,” Vanessa whispers, looking pale as she looks so pleadingly at me.
“Yeah, well, I just wanted to get my dick wet before I left for work, so neither of us is getting what we wanted,” I gripe. “Go ahead, Donny.”
Donny swipes the card against the lock. I immediately slam the door inward, hitting the guy on the other side with it. He yelps and stumbles backward, but he must have some sort of training because he manages to recover quickly. The guy eyes me warily, then the open door behind me.
Donny shoves Vanessa into the room and shuts the door on us before anybody can even think about escaping.
“Hey, man,” the guy says. “I just wanted a nice night. Then I get locked up in here for no reason!”
I snort. “Go sit on the bed,” I tell him. “We’ll have a nice little conversation, then I’ll let you go. I’ll even make it worth your while first. A nice gift from the house.”
Vanessa presses her back against the door, no doubt wishing she was on the other side of it.
I don’t recognize the guy, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a cop. There are over 15,000 police officers in New Bristol, and I can’t be expected to keep track of all of them.