Page 4 of Bosses Brat
Chapter Four
“But you have different last names,” her jaw hangs open, aghast.
“What’s the company called, Rhylie?” my brother asks in his dangerous low voice.
I wonder if Ms. Hall is smart enough to sense that the power has shifted.
“Carter, Miller, and Webber,” she whispers, ashen-faced.
“Exactly, Ms. Hall… Carter,” he points to himself then me, “and Webber.”
“I...I… didn’t know.”
“You didn’t know that for the last six days you’ve been working for Mr. Webber?”
“Not the Mr. Webber. It’s a common-enough name,” she protests, a little indignantly. “And he always calls you the boss.”
Cole smiles at that.
“I see. And would your behaviour have been any different if you knew he was the Mr Webber as you put it?”
“Yes, Sir,” she whispers, pauses for a moment and then adds, “probably not, Sir, no.”
“I see,” Cole smirks. Gotta admire her fucking honesty. “And if I weren’t to fire him, but say, maybe reassign you to work for someone else...who would you have me choose?”
“You,” Rhylie states as she eyeballs Cole shamelessly.
Doesn’t she realise that she’s propositioning and sassing two of the richest bachelors in the city? Does she even care? Clearly not.
“You want to work for me?” Cole asks, amused.
“You can’t be any worse than him,” she jerks her thumb at me, refusing to even look my way, making Cole give a deep laugh.
“Oh, you’d be surprised,” he replies with a mirthless smile and heated eyes.
I can see the cogs turning in his mind; a plan is forming.
“Prove it,” the sassy minx challenges and Cole’s eyes darken instantly.
“I think that can be arranged,” he promises her before turning to face me. “Now dear brother, do you care to tell me your side of the story? What has Ms. Hall done this time?”
“What hasn’t she done?” I mutter, ignoring the death glare she levels my way. “I’ve just spent the best part of an hour on the phone to Mr. Jameson, trying to convince him not to close his account with us because I missed our meeting. A meeting that I didn’t know anything about because a) she didn’t tell me about it, b) she didn’t sync my calendar and c) she deleted her version of my schedule when playing Solitaire. On company time.” I enjoy adding that last little caveat despite the daggers she throws my way.
“Do you know who Mr. Jameson is, Rhylie?” Cole asks her in a low voice.
She shakes her head and visibly swallows.
“You have every right to look nervous girl; he’s our biggest client. Brother, how much revenue does Mr. Jameson bring in?”
“Directly? A couple of billion. From his sister companies and referrals? About 65% of our business.”
“Shit,” she whispers, her knuckles white on the arm of her chair and looking like she’s about to pass out. “Fuck.”
“Fuck indeed,” Cole agrees with her. “A very expensive mistake to make, I’d say. Wouldn’t you agree, brother?”
“Very,” I reply.
“So, I think our Ms. Rhylie here needs to be punished, don’t you?”
“Absolutely,” I agree.
I see the dark twinkle in my brother’s eyes, and I know he’s thinking the same thing as me. My cock is straining painfully against my slacks, but I refuse to move or readjust myself; I don’t want to put the power back into Rhylie’s hands, if she notices the effect she’s having on me.
“Here we go then, Ms. Hall. How about it? My brother and I here will punish you, and it will give you a taste of what life under me - I mean working for me - will be like. Then we can see who you think is worse and whether or not you’re up for the challenge… who knows?” he chuckles. “You may just be able to handle working under both of us.”