Page 22 of Lumi
“Okay, that makes sense. Obviously, Miss Know-it-all has seen something, and I’m going to need to invest in Ade’s future.” I shake my head but I’m secretly glad that Ade is going to love skating. It’s a passion I can share with her. A piece of home I can bring back.
“Do they only come in these three colors?” I ask, frowning at the boring black, white or nude options.
“Get the white,” Jas calls. “I’ll spell them to be sparkly and purple like her Converse.”
“Can you spell mine to be more comfortable,” I mutter, throwing a dirty look at the scuffed up rentals.
“Oh no, those skates will do the job perfectly,” Jas replies with an enigmatic smile.
“Ugh, fine. Get the damn skates,” I moan.
Ash grins at me, selects whichever pair he thinks are appropriate and tells me to leave it with them.
I thank him before leaving the shop with Jas. A cute little jewelery store catches my eye and I have an idea.
“Oh, I just want to pop into that store,” I say, pointing.
“Bitchen’ Baubles?”
I nod.
“Thora’s place?”
“Dragon lady Thora’s place? With the amazing hair?”
“YES!” I practically yell, exasperated with her line of questioning.
“No! Don’t go in there!” Jas cries in a panic.
“What? Why not?”
“I already got Ade something from there and I don’t want you to spoil it.”
“Okay, fine.” I shake my head. “Let’s catch up with Sacha and Ade.”
Ade goes wild when she sees Jasmine skating over towards her beside me. I have to admit she’s a natural on the ice, already having got her balance and the hang of the basics while I was choosing her skates.
“Look, Mama!” she cries, skating over to me far more smoothly than I did my first time on the ice.
“Wow baby you’re so good already! You’re a natural!” I beam at her. I can’t help it, her excitement is infectious.
“The red lady with the tail helped me.” I look around for the woman in question but she’s disappeared. “She runs a skating school, Mama, and she said I should go to it because I’m good and she’ll teach me some more. Can I go? Please? Please, please, please?”
“We’ll see. I’ll need to find out more details, okay? But we can definitely look into it, baby. Would you like your gift now?”
“Yes please!”
“Come on then, let’s step off the ice for a minute so you can open it.”
As soon as we’re on the rubber matting beside the ice, Ash hands me Ade’s skates which are somehow boxed and gift wrapped to perfection. Jas winks.
Ade takes the box from me and rips off the paper, pulling the lid off the box with a flourish. Her scream of excitement brings the entire rink to a grinding halt.
“MAMA!!!” I grin. “Skates! Oh my god, I’ve got skates! And they’re purple! And glittery! Oh my god! Have you seen them?”
“Yes baby, I bought them. This isn’t Christmas.”