Page 38 of Lumi
I say my goodbyes while fighting a blush—and maybe jealousy at Storm’s promise?—and head over to Quilo, amused at the idea of this formidable bunch of ladies bullying their men into getting their kit off in public. On ice no less. Still, I guess it’s for a good cause.
“Here you go,” Quilo says, as I slide into the banquette seat he’s chosen. It has a great view of the bar and as soon as I’m seated, he stretches his long limbs out in front of him so that his foot knocks against mine playfully. It shoots electric tingles up my leg, right to my core. He passes me my drink.
Damn he’s sexy.
“Thanks.” I smile and take a nervous sip. “Are the others joining us?”
“Yeah. In about half an hour.”
“Oh?” I raise a brow.
“I could lie and say it’s because they’re finishing up work or there’s been a medical emergency or something, but in truth, I just told them a later time to meet so that I could get some alone time with you.”
He gives me a cheeky, sheepish sort of grin, and I can’t help but laugh. He’s a strange mix of sinfully hot and devilishly cute and playful. Weirdly, it works on him and I really, really like it. He’s fun, great with Ade, and seems to like me as much as I like him.
“So, you work in the bar too? As well as at the skate rental?” I ask awkwardly. I grip my drink like it’s a life raft and take a large gulp. I’m so nervous. I have butterflies in my stomach and a drum beat between my thighs. It’s an odd combination.
“I do a bit of everything. Whit manages the place and we all chip in, though of course, only Yas does the medical stuff.”
“Ah yes, I recall how amazing you were yesterday when I had my bump.” Yeah, I’m definitely flirting this time.
“Hey! I took good care of those skates.”
“Really?” I tease. “And where are they now?”
“ the bin. But only because Yas thought they were a danger.”
“Damn right they were. I wore them twice and ended up hurt both times.”
“But you’re healing well, I see.”
I shrug, suddenly uncomfortable. I don’t want to talk about magic and power and elements and species. But then again, if the guys and Jasmine are right about this bond stuff, I guess I need to trust them and open up a bit. Apparently this isn’t going to work in the traditional, taking things slow and getting to know one another properly first, kind of a way that dating usually goes.
I sigh.
“Hey, I don’t mind telling you about myself. I’m a shifter. Crin wolf.”
“I’ve not heard of that before.” I cock my head and study him closely.
“Well, I’m not really a wolf at all, so the usual rules don’t apply. Crins are actually canines, though we look like sexy leggy foxes.” I laugh. “What? We do. You should see my mane. It’s magnificent.”
“So you’re a hairy, lanky dog?”
“Harsh. It’s actually way better than it sounds.”
“And what exactly can crins do?”
“Well, I can’t speak for all of us, but my powers lie in the bedroom.”
“You did not just say that.” I shake my head, laughing and cringing in tandem.
“Yep. I can sleep for days.”
I realize that I’m really enjoying myself at around the same time Whit and Yas enter the bar together. I’m not even facing the door and it’s like some invisible cord pulls me in their direction the moment they arrive. Two blonde gods I would love to worship between.
Whoa. This bond stuff is strong. Or it’s the wine.