Page 50 of Lumi
I should be more suspicious. Things are going too well. Even Amber’s dogs, Rocky and Mandy are on their best behavior. It’s too good to be true. It’s the perfect class.
I’m an idiot.
No sooner do I think it, then all hell breaks loose. Nicole’s dog Momo starts mouthing off, barking at anything that moves. Her brother, Coco, immediately joins in but Peewee is having none of it. He’s the biggest beast in the room and barks in retaliation, completely ruining the zen vibe of the room with his deep baritone sound.
Momo races around, getting braver as she barks. She weaves in and out of people’s feet, knocking over water bowls and bottles, pouncing playfully on the other dogs’ tails, but then suddenly chickening out and running back to Nicole to hide. Just as things start to settle down, Coco decides it’s playtime and leads the dogs on a merry chase around the room in what can only be described as a mad fit of the zoomies. It’s absolute carnage and impossible to continue with people’s legs being swiped out from under them and dogs racing in every direction.
My students collapse into fits of giggles watching the chaos unfold, and I decide it’s the perfect time to pause for a comfort break. Opening the doggy treat tin does the job and all the canines in the room freeze. They turn to me with expectant, happy little faces and wagging tails, and all of my sternness melts away. I couldn’t be mad at them if I tried.
“Okay,” I call out. “Line up if you want a treat.”
Amazingly, they do.
I hand out the treats, grab my water bottle and take a drink. It’s still a pretty successful class. We’ve definitely had worse. I enjoy chatting to everyone for a few minutes and when the dogs settle down, I clap my hands to finish the class with the final sequence of poses and the mediation.
I’m just stepping into Warrior pose when I notice my foot is wet. I glance down to see Coco shamelessly cocking his leg against my foot. Mother fucker.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” Nicole cries, rushing over to drag Coco away. “Let me get some paper towels to clean that up.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine. Not the first time.” Won’t be the last either, I bet. Thank god this wasn’t the advanced class. I can just imagine being in a headstand pose with closed eyes and being rudely used as a marking spot! Small mercies that it was just a foot.
I clean up the mess and decide to talk the others through the rest of the class, knowing that I need to keep my eyes open and on the dogs. I knew their behavior was too good to be true. Still, no one died, needed a shot, or burned anything down so it was still a success.
After class, Mona hangs around with Leah, and Whit also loiters, unwilling to leave. I’m not sure why he’s waiting, but I really like that he’s here still. There’s something comforting about his presence that I don’t think is entirely due to the bond. I quickly nip to the changing rooms to clean up properly and when I come back, Whit is disinfecting my yoga mat and the floor around it.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I want to. I’m going to clean down all the mats and put them away, and then I’ll wash the bowls. If you don’t mind me staying.”
“Sure. Thank you.” I smile softly at him, always a little shy when people offer to help me with things. I’m not good at accepting help usually, but there’s something about all three guys that turns me a little bit gooey inside when they’re nice like that.
I go over to Mona and briefly explain to her a little about the Reiki process and how it works. She seems really interested and keen to try anything. With her permission, I sit cross-legged on the floor and begin to stroke Leah and talk to her in a calm, soothing voice. Channeling my Reiki energy, I use it to check Leah’s body for blockages and to locate the source of her pain.
It soon becomes clear that Leah has a problem with her hip and has had for some time. Possibly even since birth. I guide the energy to the spot, not expecting to heal her, but knowing that it can relieve some of her pain, at least temporarily. In my hands Leah seems to melt, the tension and pain leaving her body she relaxes into my touch and enjoys her treatment. Mona watches in fascination, Peewee comes over to explore and sniff at what I’m doing, and I’m even aware of Whit’s eyes on me.
Leah lets me know when she’s had enough and I release the energy, send my thanks to the universe and let go. Peewee immediately licks my hands. Animals always have a sixth sense about this kind of thing.
“Thank you so much,” Mona says. “She already looks so much brighter.”
Leah gets to her feet with more ease than I’ve ever seen, and her and Peewee race off together. She certainly seems bouncier and more playful. I smile.
“What do I owe you?” Mona asks, reaching for her bag.
“Absolutely nothing. Don’t be crazy. But I do think she’d really benefit from some regular reiki sessions. Jasmine is way more qualified than I am, and she has a shop in town. She’s mobile too and could come to you. I have your number so I’ll text you her details later, but I really recommend you give her a try. Leah will love it.”
“Thank you. If she’s as good as you say, I’ll definitely give her a call.”
“Just tell her I recommended you...on second thoughts, you probably don’t need to. She’s always seeing these things.”
Mona laughs and says her goodbyes, taking a very reluctant Leah away from Peewee and leaving just Whit and I in the room. Well, and the dog too, but we’re the only humans...erm...supes left.