Page 75 of Lumi
“Don't cry Mama, it makes me want to be a spider.”
“Why, baby?”
“So I can spin you a tissue. I’m okay. I have more happy than I do sad.”
“What happened, Ade baby?”
“Ah, how about we all discuss that together,” the principal cuts in before making introductions.
We take seats opposite her desk and Ade climbs into Quilo’s lap. She leans over and whispers to him, loud enough that the entire room can still hear:
“I’ll tell you what I’m going to do this weekend. I’m not going to put on a shirt. I probably won’t put on pants either.”
“Why’s that then? It sounds like a good plan to me.”
“I’m too sad for pants.” He cuddles her tighter and doesn’t reply.
“So, as I’m sure you’re aware, we’ve had a slight incident today.”
“I’m so sorry. If Ade’s in any way responsible for whatever happened in the car park, I’ll pay for the damages.”
“There was a small earthquake in the parking lot, yes,” the principal replies and my face immediately falls. Earthquake? This isn’t good.
“But there’s also the matter of the gym—”
“What happened to the gym?”
“It flooded. The kitchen—”
“A small fire. And the—”
“Please don’t say tornado.”
“Just a little one. In the library.”
I groan. Ade gives me a sheepish look.
“Sorry, Mama.”
“Look, it really isn’t a big deal. This sort of thing happens more often than you realize. Just not usually all at once, on the same day, caused by the same child.” I open my mouth to say something, but the principal continues kindly. “It’s okay. But Ade is very clearly upset about something, and I think it would be best if she went home early today, talked to you about it and maybe you could get her”
“With her powers?” I ask, thinking that it’s probably a good idea.
“With her feelings.”
“Ade?” I turn to her with a raised brow.
“There’s just so many thoughts and feelings for one brain. And when your heart is broken it feels like a thunderstorm on the inside.”
My heart breaks a little for her, and the principal gives me a sympathetic smile. I can’t believe how nice she’s being about everything. I was sure they were going to expel her the second I saw the car park! I can’t even begin to imagine the damage done to the rest of the school.
“Come on, let’s get you both home and you can talk all about these big feelings,” Quilo says, getting to his feet but keeping Ade in his arms. He holds her with one arm and reaches out to shake the principal's hand with the other. “Thank you for being so understanding. It won’t happen again.”
“Oh, it almost definitely will, but hopefully with less disastrous consequences next time,” she jokes, laughing. Oh god, I hope she’s joking.
“No one died, right?”