Page 78 of Lumi
I know Lumi hasn’t been to the rink but I was just trying to give her some space while Whit dealt with his issues and Yas got called back home for a family thing.
“Not like she was. She seems happy today even though I really broke the school.”
“I think she knows that wasn’t your fault.”
“Nothing ever is,” she says.
I chuckle.
“So can you?”
“Can I what?”
“Get everyone together to make us a family again?”
“I’ll see what I can do. Shall we go and talk to your mum and fill her in?”
“Okay. But if she shouts at me, I’m blaming you.”
“Fine. Let’s go, you have pancakes to flip and pizza to eat.” I quickly pull out my phone and text the guys to come straight over. I know that they’re both due back today so I’m hoping they can get here soon.
We exit her bedroom and, credit to Lumi, she’s not hovering by the door. Ade races into the kitchen to mix the pancake batter and I cross over to the sofa to give Lumi a hug.
“Is Ade okay?” she whispers to me.
“Yeah, she is. But I think I need to get the guys back and we should all have a chat. We didn’t get too far with it last time, did we?”
Lumi lets out a deep sigh. She knows I’m right. If we’re going to make this work, we need to start communicating a little better. I get it, she didn't tell us the full story about her shape shifting elemental powers, but she must have had her reasons. I don’t understand why Whit got so pissed. Not really, even with his past baggage.
“She wants a sleepover so that we can sort things out. She wants you to be happy again.” Lumi looks devastated.
“Shit. I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry!”
“No. Don’t be. I’m glad you told me and that she opened up to you. I didn’t realize she knew how unhappy I’ve been.”
“Why have you been so down?” I ask.
“I messed everything up. I wanted to reach out and apologize, but I didn’t know how to put things right. Whit was so mad.”
“I’ve messaged them. They’re going to come over. If that’s okay?”
“Of course. I’ll just call Sacha to see if she can have Ade.” Just as she gets to her feet, her phone starts to ring. “Oh, it’s Jasmine. Hang on a second.”
She moves into what I assume is her bedroom, talking to Jasmine. I help Ade with the pancakes in the kitchen. She’s mixed the batter and is ready to cook, so I turn on the heat and get the pan ready.
We’re just serving the first pancake when Lumi comes back in, grinning.
“So Jas just called out of the blue and asked if Ade wanted to go there for a sleepover tonight.”
“Can I Mama? Please?”
“Of course. She’s on her way over to get you now. Eat your pancake and then go and pack a bag. She said Ash needs help in the kitchen.”
Ade quickly rolls her pancake into a burrito, jams it into her mouth and races off. I laugh at her enthusiasm.
“I’m glad Jas called,” I say.
“Me too,” she says, though she still looks nervous.