Page 8 of Lumi
“Well, he clearly didn’t want to be on a date with me. What did you say to him anyway? I feel like his expectations didn’t align with reality.” Sacha squirms guiltily. “Sach, what did you do?!”
“I just said that I had this friend who had been out of action for a while and was looking to get back into the dating scene. He seemed interested so I started telling him how gorgeous and up for it you would be, and I said—”
“Sacha! All of those things are code terms for wanting a casual hookup! What else did you say?”
“I said, I’d love him forever if he took you out.”
“Did you tell him I’d be wearing your red coat, so that he would recognize me?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Sach, is there any chance at all that he thought he was going on a date with you?”
“Erm…” She bites her lip as she considers the very real possibility that Rick was more than happy to help out her ‘friend.’ Damn pain in the ass woman.
“Next time...wait, no, there’s no next time. You’re never setting me up ever again. And you better not date Rick the Racist either.”
She snorts.
“I don’t care how fast his car goes. Understood?”
“Yes ma’am.” She salutes me, then pulls an apologetic face. “I really am sorry.”
“He was a tight ass too. Turned up late, made me pay for his ticket, and spent half the date flirting with other women. Probably would have been better for me if he didn’t join me on the ice. He got jealous of my skating ability and tried to show off. He fell and sliced my bloody leg open.”
“What a tool. I love it when you say bloody, you sound all British and posh.”
“Yeah, he was a right spanner alright.” I grin.
“So was he worse than Todd?”
“Todd the Twat? Absolutely.”
“Worse than Joel?”
“Joel the Jock?” I blink in surprise. I haven’t heard his name in ages. “Jesus no. No one is worse than him.”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
“You sit, I’ll grab it.” She gets to her feet, pausing the show, and crosses to the kitchen for the glasses. “Is your leg okay though? Do I need to take you to, like, the ER or something?”
“I’m fine. It’s a scratch. A really cute medic patched me up.” I grin thinking of the damn sexiest doctor I ever laid eyes on. Wouldn’t admit that to Sacha though, she’d pounce on that information and be all over me like a rash.
“Wasn’t that what Mercutio said before he bled out everywhere?” She calls across the room. I snicker at her.
“What, that he had a boner for the medic? Pretty sure he lusted after Romeo. Anyway, if that happens and I bleed out all over the place, you can get The Cleanly Den in to clean up all the mess. You’ll also have to move in here to take care of Ade for me. Moving to your mansion wouldn’t be fair on her when she’s just lost her mama.”
“Please don’t die! Your apartment brings me out in hives!” She takes a sip of my finest red wine, from a box, and pulls a face.
“Well, your blind dates bring me out in hives too, so let’s both just stick to what we know.”
“Amen and cheers to that!” Her glass clinks mine, and she sinks down onto the sofa and hits play on the TV. She snuggles in until her head is resting on my shoulder. “We don’t need men. Me, you, and Ade are doing just fine.”
We really are.
But damn those boys at the rink tonight were mighty fine.