Page 81 of Lumi
“Because I barely know you! This is too new, too fast.”
“Do you believe the bond?”
“Of course!”
“Do you trust it?”
“Then move in with us. Stop fighting it and let everything fall into place.”
“I have to think about Ade.”
“That’s what I’m doing,” Whit says, exasperated.
“Lumi, I think you should consider it,” Yas adds. “No pressure either way, but if we were all under one roof it would show Ade we’re serious about being a family, and it might help to ease her guilt, which in turn could settle her powers a little.”
“And if it doesn’t, you have three extra pairs of hands on deck to help out,” Whit finishes.
Lumi turns to me.
“What do you think?”
“I want you to move in. It’s the best thing for everyone. The bond compels me to keep you both safe and I don’t feel like I can do that while you’re so far away. I know my wolf and Yas’ bear have been restless.”
“Look, we don’t want to come on too strong, Lumi, but this is it for us,” Yas tells her. “There’s no question of things not working out. It’s a forever kind of love.”
“Love?” Lumi’s eyes are wide. “Like, love love?”
“Yes. Like, if I didn’t have to share you with my brothers, I’d already be down on one knee with a massive diamond, head over heels, totally besotted by you, kind of love.”
“I feel the same,” I admit. “Pretty sure Whit does too.”
“It’s why we were gone this week,” Yas explains. “I went home to explain to my parents that I met this amazing woman, who can shift into a polar bear, and who has already given me the most perfect daughter I could ever hope for. I told them that I won’t be coming back to find a nice sow to settle down with. I won’t be coming back at all. Because I’ve found my forever love and I’ve put down roots already.”
I grin as Lumi’s jaw drops in astonishment, making me laugh. For all his talk about giving Lumi space and no pressure and stuff, Yas sure can lay it on thick. I get that it’s his bear talking, but it’s still funny watching the two sides of him at war. Sensible Doctor Yas wants to take things slow and give Lumi space, polar bear Yas already wants her pregnant with her first litter of cubs on the way.
“Do you really feel the same way Yas does?” Lumi asks me.
“I told you earlier. I’m not touring with the band or doing any sort of work that’s going to take me away from you and Ade. I’m all in. If you’ll have me.” She nods, speechless and with tears glistening in her eyes.
“Whit?” she asks tentatively.
“I shouldn’t have stormed off like that. But I’ve been doing the same thing as Yas all week. I went home to call off the engagement and to explain to my parents why. At first they were reluctant, but when I wouldn’t budge and threatened that they would lose me for good this time, they eventually came around.”
“What about the woman you were betrothed to?”
“She’s as relieved as I am.”
“So she’s not an evil ice queen?” Lumi asks. “Ade has been spinning some interesting stories.”
“I may have used a little artistic license with that particular bedtime story, but make no mistake, Ade is a princess. Twice in fact, because Yas is heir to the throne too.”
Lumi shakes her head, laughing lightly. She still looks tentative, but so hopeful. She needs this and I can tell she wants it too.
“Lumi, will you and Ade move in with us, please?” Whit asks.