Page 85 of Lumi
“Let’s worry about that another day. Can we just enjoy a run for now? I’ve laid out a picnic after because I thought we’d work up an appetite.”
“Okay...yeah...I can do that” I stammer.
“Come on then.” He hugs me and brushes his lips against my cheek again. I wonder if his intention tonight is to drive me wild with innocent touches.
I blink and Yas shifts before me. It’s an instant, seamless transformation, and the bear standing in his place is magnificent. I didn’t appreciate him in this form before when he saved Ade, but now with nothing to do but stare, I can’t help but admire his size and power. He’s magnificent. Truly royal and worthy of the crown.
More than a little awed, I shift into a polar bear too. I’m much smaller than him and have none of his natural poise and grace. That doesn’t deter him though as he nuzzles and sniffs me, grunting in what I hope is approval.
Then he turns and takes off, leaving me with no choice but to follow.
Together, we race across the ice so fast it feels like flying. It’s breathtaking and exhilarating and exciting. I’m no match for Yas’ speed and agility, but I have so much fun trying to keep up with him.
I realize that this is what it should be like for Ade. Not constantly running scared like I am, afraid to use her powers in case she’s discovered. With Quilo, Whit and Yas by my side, we can support Ade with her elements.
We run for miles, sliding across the frozen tundra in the twilight, chasing one another and being playful. I tire long before Yas does, but I can’t help the grin that stretches across my face and makes my cheeks hurt.
Eventually Yas slows, leading me along at a much more leisurely pace. When we come to a small fire set up by the entrance to a cave, he shifts back and I do the same. It’s dark out, and I swear the sky is so clear I can see a billion stars shining down on us. It’s incredible, and incredibly romantic.
“What is this?” I ask.
He disappears into the cave and returns a moment later with a wicker basket and a pile of folded blankets. I help him lay out one of the blankets on the ice not too far from the fire and he puts the basket down. We sit, and Yas passes me another blanket for my lap and one to drape around my shoulders.
“I didn’t want you to get cold,” he says kindly.
“What about you?”
“I don’t really feel the cold, even in this form.”
“Oh. I’m a little disappointed. I was quite looking forward to snuggling to keep warm.”
He laughs, shuffling closer to me so that our legs are touching. “You don’t need an excuse to get me to snuggle with you.”
“You’re really...affectionate, aren’t you? I wasn’t expecting that.”
“I can’t help it. Between the bond, my bear and you just being...amazing… I can’t get enough.”
He unpacks the picnic basket—which is full of all sorts of lovely goodies—and together we eat in companionable silence, though Yas keeps touching my arm, rubbing my shoulder, patting my hand. It’s comforting and frustrating at the same time. I want more than these little touches. It’s like the damn Magical Rooster and bloody Quilo have awakened something in me that I can’t shut off.
“So how did you like the run?” he asks.
“Honestly? It was mind blowing! I don’t remember the last time I got to do anything like that. It was so liberating. You’re crazy fast though, and I’m pretty sure you were holding back on my account.”
“It was just nice to have company. If all you wanted to do was lounge around in bear form, I would have been more than happy.”
“What like this?” I smirk and pounce on him, taking him by surprise so that we fall back onto the blanket and I’m straddled across him.
I half expect him to laugh and push me off, but he pulls me into his chest and cages me in with his powerful arms. I wiggle to test the bonds but he’s not letting me go anywhere. There’s a heat in his gaze that warms me far more than the fire does. Staring down into his ice blue eyes, my breath catches and my tongue darts out to wet my lips. His pupils dilate as he tracks the movement of my tongue and he captures my lips in a kiss which is more demanding that I would expect from him.
I kiss him back with abandon, flicking open the buttons on his shirt and sliding my hands down his strong, muscular chest. His low rumbles of pleasure make his skin vibrate beneath my touch.
I don’t care that we’re outside, surrounded by snow, and it’s some crazy temperature below zero. I want Yas, and I want him here and now. I don’t even feel cold with his body pressed against mine.
Yas moves suddenly, flipping me onto my back so that I’m pinned beneath him. He breaks our kiss and gives me a wicked smile, before slowly undoing the buttons on my dress one by one. Soon, I’m bared before him and he falls to worshiping my body with his touch and his kisses.
In no time at all he has me silently begging for more, needing to feel him inside me. I don’t even have to say anything though, because he removes his slacks and covers my body with his own. His impressive cock nestles between my thighs but he doesn’t make a move, he just stares at me with awe and wonder.