Page 21 of Branding Belle
He doesn’t let go of my hand until I have to give him his towel. He seems reluctant to let go; I know I am too, after that kiss.
We quickly dry off, and I pull on my clothes, laughing when Kelly realizes he’s not got any dry shorts to put on. He squeezes his boardies out as best he can, but he’s still dripping as we head up the beach to the nearby diner.
“You could just take them off.” I wink, and Kelly shakes his head at me, a playful smile tugging up the corners of his lips.
“How about we get back to the apartment before you try to get me naked, hmm? At least buy me dinner first, Belle. Where are your manners?” he teases, and I snort laugh so loudly that I blush. That was not an attractive sound…
“Well, that was adorable,” Kelly says, making me feel better about my mildly obnoxious laugh.
We walk into the diner, and luckily it’s not a posh place. It’s full of beach goers, so Kelly isn’t the only one dripping all over the floor. No one seems to mind.
We quickly order burgers, and it doesn’t take long for them to come. I tuck in with abandon, practically inhaling my burger in one go, not bothering to make conversation with Kelly. He doesn’t seem to notice as he devours his burger too. I swear to god, this is the best burger I’ve ever had. All too soon it’s gone, and that makes me sad. I pout a little as I finish up my fries, but Kelly takes pity on me and offers me the last bite of his burger. Erm, there’s no way I’m turning him down out of politeness. I virtually snatch it from him and swallow it whole before giving him an enormous grateful beaming smile.
“Yep, it’s love,” he tells me, chuckling, and I can’t help but chuckle back at him. It’s not, but that burger comes damn close.