Page 42 of Branding Belle
Johnny’s shout echoes around the room. When no one makes a move to answer him, I realize I’ll have to. “Tattooing, Johnny. Hence, the sign on the door. You know, the one that says do not enter? What do you want?” I snap at him.
This punk has pissed me off one too many times this week. I glare at him, and that’s when I realize he’s been drinking. Again. Or is it still? Pretty sure he’s been MIA since I approached him about dissolving the business partnership because he’s been on a massive and constant bender.
I sigh. No good will come of this interaction.
“Why’s she naked?” he demands as his hands fly to his hips.
In his too-tight, ripped jeans and slightly heeled heavy boots, he looks ridiculously feminine. I honestly don’t know what all the chicks see in him…well, aside from dollar signs, I guess. Dude must have a mammoth cock or some shit.
“Because the design calls for it. Ask her. Why are you here?” I’m short and gruff with him. I hope it conveys clearly how much I want him gone. Not just tonight, but from my life forever now.
“I want to speak to her,” he growls, then after a beat adds, “It’s fucking hot in here.”
“Hence the lack of shirts, Johnny,” Kelly points out, but Johnny doesn’t seem to be listening.
Instead, his eyes are darting all around — anywhere but at his naked sister who looks far too amused and hasn’t made any effort to cover up — as if desperately seeking the source of the heat in the room. I want to tell him it’s coming from his sister, but I don’t think he’d appreciate the joke right now.
Still, it would be fun to wind him up. I wonder if I could make that vein in his head pop?
Belle looks over her shoulder lazily, her gaze alighting on her brother. “Hey, Johnny.” She sounds relaxed and not at all bothered that he’s barged in here, clearly fuming. Although judging by the volume of the rock music she was listening to, it probably doesn’t seem like he barged in here, screaming like a banshee. That, or she’s just used to his drama queen bitch fits, and it doesn’t shake her.
“Hey…HEY?! Don’t ‘hey’ me! Put some fucking clothes on.”
“A little hard to tattoo through clothes asshat,” she grumbles, throwing him a less than amused glare.
“I don’t give a shit. Put your clothes on and get the fuck out of here.” Does he realize he looks and sounds like a whinging toddler? I’m waiting for him to stamp his foot. He already has the pout down.
“Fuck off, Johnny, we still have two hours’ work to do,” Kelly moans.
“I will not fuck off. I need to speak to my sister, so you can all get the fuck out!”
“Stay!” Belle immediately calls in a panic.
Ah, shit. What to do? The last thing I want is to be stuck in a family argument between these two, but I’m thinking Johnny has had a pretty rough week…and with him drinking, he is probably unstable right now. I’m not sure that I trust him alone with Belle when he’s clearly this wound up. Although, she could almost definitely hold her own against him.
Kelly folds his arms across the front of his chest and plants his feet — obviously thinking the same thing as me. He’s going nowhere. Mica mimics him. That’s decided then. They’re not leaving. Neither am I.
I don’t adopt the same stance though, instead I settle back in my chair and cross my arms, ready to watch the show. There’s no way Belle is about to take any of Johnny’s shit lying down, and I can’t wait to see her give him hell in return. She starts to climb off the couch, and Mica hastily tosses her a towel to cover up with. She holds it in front of her but doesn’t wrap it around her back. Obviously that’s good from the point of view of the ink, but it’s also a pretty good viewpoint for me. Her ass is phenomenal. My cock stirs, remembering the red handprint I put across it which I’ve not yet managed to immortalize on her skin within my design. Soon. Damn, what I wouldn’t give to repeat that, though. Shame once the ink is done, she’ll be out of action for a while to heal up. By the time she’s able to take a spanking from me, she’ll be back on the west coast, sadly.
“What’s your problem, Johnny?” Belle scowls at him.
“You are. Why are you naked?”
“Because I’m having a tattoo done, you turd monkey.” Clearly exasperated, I can see that she wants to shake him for his stupidity. Me too.
“You don’t need to be naked for that.”
“Funny, I thought you always tattooed naked chicks,” she points out with a smirk.
“Yeah because I’m fucking them. You fucking these guys? All three? Like some kind of slut?”
“Hey!” Mica exclaims, clearly wanting to rush to Belle’s defense.
“Johnny…” Kelly’s voice is also a warning.
I don’t say anything. I don’t think Belle needs the backup. She’s more than capable of putting him in his place.
“So what if I am?” Belle stands defiantly, staring daggers at her asshole brother. Okay, now I’m interested. That’s not the route I thought she’d go down, and judging by her brother’s flummoxed reaction, he wasn’t expecting it either.