Page 55 of Branding Belle
Kelly is so genuine, and I can hear the desperation in his voice. If I was just some girl they used for whatever reason, they wouldn’t be here. They wouldn’t be begging for my time, for another chance.
But how can they be this…into me…after just a few days spent together half a year ago?
Aren’t you obsessed with them too?The thought pops into my head, unwelcome. It’s true. I’ve spent so long forcing myself not to think about them in the last six months, that I’ve not been able to do anything but think of them. Nighttimes are the worst, but even during the day I’ve found myself missing Kelly’s caring manner or Mica’s easy charm. Hell, I’ve even missed Linc’s demands.
“Okay. I can do that. But we need to talk. And there’s something important I probably need to do first,” I say.
Linc scoffs.
“What?” Mica asks, clearly picking up on Linc’s distaste.
“I, uh…”
“She has to dump her boyfriend,” Linc announces, and I cringe.
“Boyfriend…” Mica looks at the wall behind my head and zones out. I can sense an immediate distance in him, walls coming up and shutters coming down. The temperature in the room drops by a couple of degrees, and a pain lances through my chest at the sliver of hurt I saw in his eyes before he shut me out. I’m not used to that, not from friendly, easy-going Mica.
“Sort of. We aren’t serious. He just, well, he really can’t take a hint, and the word ‘no’ isn’t in his vocabulary,” I admit and Kelly frowns.
“Did he ever hurt you, Belle?” Kelly asks. I shake my head.
“He’s an asshole, but no. He just won’t let me dump him.”
“Hmph,” Linc grunts. I ignore him.
I pull my phone out of my purse after hearing it ring for the eighth time.
“Gaston!?” Mica asks, reading the name on my phone screen, and I wince.
“What are the chances of that…” Kelly says. I purse my lips.
“I’m…uh…I’m gonna go. I’ll call you here at the studio?” I resist the urge to jump up and run for it.
“No. I’ll drive you home. I programmed our numbers into your phone while you were passed out. Tomorrow Mica and I are working, so you’ll get some alone time with Kelly.” Linc uses the same sort of tone Aston does. But for some reason with Linc it’s different. I don’t instantly want to fight his every word.
“Okay,” I concede, and Kelly whoops playfully.
“I’ll pick you up at ten in the morning,” he says, looking ecstatic. “I can’t wait to show you who I really am, Belle.”
His words strike me right in the heart, and I nod, unable to speak.
I hope giving these men a second chance isn’t going to be a mistake.
* * *
I ask Aston to meet me at a restaurant that I know he loves. I know breaking up with someone in public is fucked up, but he’s so fucking pushy, I want to make sure we’re somewhere he won’t want to cause a scene.
I also know this place has many exits, just in case.
I’m sitting at the bar, sipping my vodka and coke, trying to calm my nerves as I wait for him. He’s always late. Dickhead.
A large palm slams down on the bar top beside me and I jump. I look up to see Linc and my eyes go wide.
“What are you doing here?!” I demand. Linc just grins. I left their house a couple of hours ago, and I didn’t expect to see any of them until tomorrow.
“Moral support,” Mica whispers in my ear, and I spin in my seat to see him standing on my other side. Kelly is there as well, grinning like the cat that caught the canary.
“No! You have to leave! If Aston sees Linc—”