Page 67 of Branding Belle
It’s been three days since I spent time with one of the guys. Last night, Linc called and asked if I wanted to spend the day with him, and I agreed. I haven’t seen him since the day they finished my tattoo, and I’ve missed him — even if he is grumpy as fuck most of the time.
Plus, if he sees me and checks my tattoo, I might get the green light from him to have fun again.
“So, what are we up to today?” I ask, when he gets to my apartment. He arrived promptly at noon. I think he knocked on the door at the same moment the clock chimed. He’s nothing if not punctual, and I can’t help but wonder if he was early and just stood around outside waiting for the minute hand to tick over.
“First, I’m going to take a look at your tattoo, make sure it’s healing okay. Then I’m double-checking your security to make sure it’s all still working, and then I’m taking you to meet someone very special.”
His words surprise me. Not because he wants to check my tattoo or the security. I’d be more surprised if he didn’t want to check those things. No, I’m surprised because of his last words.
“Someone special?” I ask, and he grins.
“My girl Luna,” he replies easily, tapping to the place on his chest where he has a moon-shaped tattoo over his heart.
He spins me around and, without asking, lifts my top to inspect my back. It’s easier to just go with it than fight him. Not that I want to fight him.
While he ensures everything's healing to his liking, I think about his tattoo. I've seen it before, but never thought about what it might represent. Linc is absolutely covered in tattoos, and there’s no way that every single one has a special significance. Though of course, I would expect anything over his heart to be special.
So who is Luna, and why is she dear to Linc? My curiosity takes over, and I completely ignore whatever Linc says next. Could Luna be a pet, like with Mica? Linc doesn’t seem the sort. So maybe she’s a family member?
I look up when the room gets too quiet, and Linc is standing back before me.
“You’re overthinking,” he says knowingly, and I shake my head.
“No, no, I’m just curious,” I insist.
“Come on, don’t want to be late.” He gestures to the front door, and I grab my bag, heading out in front of him. He pauses at the door to check over the security system and when he seems satisfied, he sets the alarm and follows me out.
I assume we’re taking his jeep, and head to the passenger side, my mind still a bit lost on who Linc could be taking me to meet.
We drive for a while with just the radio for company and weave through a small residential area with cookie cutter houses. I watch the many children running all throughout the neighborhood. It’s pretty picturesque and sort of reminds me of my childhood.
Not the looking pretty part, because the military bases back home were dog ugly, but the children playing part. There was a wild sense of freedom growing up on base. Even as children, we knew life was fragile and friendships might have to be abandoned in the blink of an eye. But instead of that putting us off, we just played harder and loved more fiercely, knowing that someone here today could be gone tomorrow.
“This is one of the safest communities to raise kids,” Linc explains when he notices me watching the children. I get a churning sensation in my gut.
“It’s gated, has a security guard, and the neighborhood watch here is very thorough,” Linc tells me as we pull over in front of one of the houses.
I don’t say anything as he climbs out, but I do follow him as my curiosity grows. Both Kelly and Mica have taken time to introduce me to their families — well, some of them anyway — and it feels like Linc’s about to do the same. But all this talk of kids and safety…is Linc about to introduce me to his offspring?
I take a deep breath and try not to freak out. It is what it is. It’s not like I can change his past. And although I might not want kids myself in the future, I would never walk away from what’s developing between me and these guys just because one of them does have kids.
I mean, maybe. It could be a complete coincidence, and he’s about to introduce me to his grandparent…
“Overthinking again,” Linc teases. I flip him the bird as I stare at the house in front of me.
It’s cute. Not huge, maybe a two bedroom, with white brick and light blue accents. I like it. It looks warm and inviting. The front door flies open, and an adorable little girl comes rushing out, headed straight for Linc. She looks so much like him, with brown hair which seems dark until the sun catches it, and it lights up in shades of copper and gold, that my breath catches. I can’t help but stare. They’re so alike, I’m taken aback.
Before I can think what to say, a gorgeous woman rushes out, and even though I can tell she’s in a hurry, she still looks beautiful, wearing her hair in a messy bun, and ripped jeans.
“Thank you, love you, sorry I can’t stay!” she says in a rush as she kisses Linc’s cheek and then scoops up the child who looks to be about four, if I had to guess. “Be a good girl, listen to your uncle, and I’ll see you when I get home.”
I’ve just stepped up as she stands up straight. She spots me and gives me a massive grin that’s warm, friendly and completely genuine.
“Hi, I’m Adele. Sorry I’m rushing off. It’s nice to meet you, Belle! Linc has told me so much about you. Let's get drinks this weekend? Linc’s treat,” Adele says. I nod, a little too surprised to speak.
“I didn’t know you had a sister,” I eventually manage to say, as the stunning woman climbs into the car in the driveway and rushes off. “Or a niece. Luna, I assume?” I ask, and Linc nods.
“Let’s get inside,” he tells me, and I follow him as he lifts the little girl up and tosses her over his shoulder.