Page 13 of Fractured Remains
“Fuck yes.” I shove the tequila away.
“A two person just came in. I’ll get Tex to babysit.”
“Don’t say that.” I pull a face, and Dev scoffs.
“Whatever, dude. You want in, or not?”
I need to kill something tonight so there’s not a chance in hell that I’m going to let Dev pass me over and take Tex instead. I tell him as much.
“Good. Be ready to go in half an hour. I have everything we need.”
“What? You’re not going to tell me the details?” I frown. This breaks protocol.
“En route,” he tells me. He pauses in the doorway and looks back at me. His gaze flits from me to the bottle of tequila then back again. “Drink it,” he insists. “All of it. You’re going to need it.”
Fuck. This should be good. I raise the bottle to my lips.
Joe: What’s your biggest fear?
Callie: Besides spiders?
Joe: Princess, when I’m around you’ll never have to
worry about spiders ever again. But yes, despite spiders?
Callie: Being left behind
Joe: Literally or…?
Callie: I fear my roommates – my three best friends – moving on with their lives, leaving and settling down. And me...not. I don’t want to be left behind
Joe: Pretty sure you and I will be settling down soon ;)
Callie: Lol! What are you most afraid of?
Joe: Working up the courage to ask you out
Callie: Be serious!
Joe: I was…
Callie: Well, how about I ask you out instead? Would that make you feel better?