Page 17 of Fractured Remains
I pile a massive selection of cereal into a large bowl, so much that adding milk will be virtually impossible, but I add that too. Then, holding the bowl in my left hand and two spoons in my right, I step between Callie’s legs and nestle the bowl between us.
“You good with sharing?” I ask.
“With you? Always.” She grabs a spoon and tucks in with a groan of bliss.
“My favourite cocktail.” She grins once her mouth is empty. I’m just enjoying the view of my girl smiling easily and eating with gusto. Since her return she’s had the appetite of a small, fragile bird, and I hate it.
Distracted, I reach out and swipe a stray Coco Pop from the corner of her mouth using my thumb, popping it into mine without thinking. She freezes for a second but then relaxes and keeps eating, so I join her.
I have so many things I want to ask her, but I don’t want to ruin the moment – or worse, cause her to have another episode – so I let my questions slide for now.
We make short work of the overflowing bowl, with me grabbing it at the end to drink the leftover milk. When I’m finished, I place the bowl on the countertop and lean towards Callie. She’s giggling lightly.
“What, cariño?”
“What about me?”
“You’ve got milk dribble on your chin.”
I deliberately make a show of wiping the wrong spot, making her laugh more, until she takes pity on me and leans in to swipe the offending drip away with a finger. Gently, I capture her wrist and bring her finger to my mouth to lick the offending drop away.
Her breath catches, and I freeze with her soft skin still pressed against my lips. I make a conscious decision that, fuck it, I’m going to kiss her and let her finger fall from my lips. Leaning in, my eyes lock onto her beautiful, full, soft lips which are slightly parted. Is it just my imagination, or is she leaning towards me?
Just as the moment I’ve always dreamed of is finally about to be realised, a shrill ringing sound breaks the silence and makes us jump. Our heads smash together and I wince, pulling back with an apology.
“Shit! That’ll be my mum!” Callie cries, leaping down from the counter and disappearing off into the bedroom. She’s so distracted that she shuts the door completely once again, and I’m left standing on my own wondering why she looked so relieved at the interruption.
Joe: I’m on a quick break and was thinking of you. How are you doing, beautiful?
Callie: Hey :) I was thinking of you too. I’m fine. How’s being a hero going?
Joe: Same old, you win some…
Callie: Oh, have you lost
Joe: :(
Callie: I’m so sorry. Are you still on paediatrics?
Joe: Thankfully, no. I couldn’t hack it, not being able to save everyone on that ward
Callie: You make an amazing difference though. Think of all the lives you have saved, and by extension the friends and families too
Joe: Never thought of it like that before
Callie: Well I’m glad you messaged me then, so that I could point it out. I’ll be happy to remind you whenever you need me to :)
Joe: I’m glad I messaged you too :) everything is always brighter when I’m talking to you
Callie: :) I feel the same
Joe: Break’s over, no rest for the wicked. If I get off at a reasonable time are you good with me calling you?
Callie: I’ll look forward to it, whatever the time x
Joe: x