Page 38 of Fractured Remains
“That you do. Let’s go.”
I wave goodbye to East and Tex, who looks like he wants to say something but keeps his mouth closed and avoids my gaze, and I follow Devon out of the flat.
“Well, that was awkward,” I mutter under my breath.
“You didn’t really expect to fuck one of us and things not get awkward now, did you?” He grins sardonically at me and my stomach drops.
He knows.
* * *
Devon doesn’t say another word until we pull up outside an impressive bike shop – aside from giving me his breakfast order at the drive through, and failing to let me pay. He won’t even fight me on it.
When we pull up outside a massive bike shop, I grin at Devon, impressed.
“This is new. I don’t remember coming here before,” I say.
“Yeah, a mate of mine owns it but he’s only been open a couple of months. I got my bike serviced here, though, a few weeks back. They make some pretty awesome custom machines.”
The Dirty Wrench Monkey is a massive industrial unit, with huge shop windows all down one side, each displaying a different bike under dazzling lights. At the far end of the building, I can just make out the servicing area where bikes are lined up outside a roller door, and half a dozen mechanics are busy at work.
“What’s wrong?” Devon asks when he sees me frowning at the bikes in the windows.
“They’re all black,” I complain. He laughs.
“They’re base models. I can have any colour you like.”
“Even pink?” He pulls a face.
“If you really want.”
“Nah, I’m just teasing. You don’t strike me as a pink type.”
“Maybe not baby, but I could definitely rock fuchsia.” It’s not until he says the second colour that I realise he meant baby pink and my heart calms down. I thought he was calling me baby. I’m such an idiot. I hide my embarrassment with a forced laugh.
“Maybe not, I can’t really see you with anything other than black.” I raise a brow and pointedly take in his monochrome outfit. Black boots, black leathers, black sleeveless tee. Matches well with his black hair and eyes. It’s only his dark-skinned heritage that prevents him from looking like a damn goth. “Maybe we can go for sparkly black paint.”
He chuckles and slings an easy arm around my shoulders. I love it. Unable to help myself, I lean into him, which is a blessing when a stranger approaches us. He’s absolutely enormous. Each of his arms is the size of two of me and covered in tattoos. He has dark hair cropped super short and his nose is a little crooked from being broken one too many times. He’s intimidating. Terrifying. But he’s wearing smart jeans and a black T-shirt with the shop’s logo on it in grey. It matches the signage outside, so it’s not hard to deduce that this guy works here and probably isn’t a threat to me.
“Matteo! Good to see you, mate. How’s things going?” Devon calls, lighting up at the sight of what must be his friend.
“Ah, I’m good, man. Business has really taken off and we’re fully booked for customs for the rest of this year.”
“That’s amazing, well done. Here, let me introduce you to my girl, Callie. Callie, this is Matteo. We go way back.”
I smile stiffly at Matteo, a little taken aback by his size, and say a hi. He grins at me and it makes him seem a lot less scary. He has a nice smile and it warms up his dark eyes. Given that I’ve known Devon and the guys nearly my whole life, I can’t help but wonder how he and Matteo ‘go way back’. He didn’t grow up around us or attend our school. And it’s not like any of us are old enough to have much of a past anyway, though I will admit Matteo seems older than the rest of us.
“Nice to meet you, Callie,” he says easily. “Take as long as you need to look around. Showroom’s closed today for everyone but you.”
“Thanks mate, appreciate it.” Devon holds out his hand and Matteo claps his into it into some sort of weird bro fist bump.
“Yeah, no worries. We’ve only got the servicing department open today. They’re working on a sweet little custom job if you want to check it out. I’m sure we can sort out something similar for you if that’s what you fancy. I’ll find a way to squeeze you in so that you don’t have to wait.”
“Yeah, cool, I’ll be sure to check it out before we leave. Are all the keys in the bikes?”
“Yeah they’re all good to go. Feel free to start up and have a listen to any engine you like. I’m sure you’re looking for something specific, so be my guest.”