Page 46 of Fractured Remains
“What?” I blink at the three guys who are all staring at one another having some sort of silent conversation that I’m not privy to. East is on board with whatever Tex is suggesting, but Devon’s face is creased with reluctance.
Eventually though, he sighs, shoulders slumping in defeat.
I have another drink.
Fuck. This is bad.
“Callie, cariño, we’re not plumbers,” Tex says with heavy significance.
“What?” A laugh bubbles up my throat. “What are you then? Strippers?”
I mean, they all have the bodies for it, for sure, but I can’t see any of them up on stage shaking their asses for a living.
“No. We’re contract killers,” Devon says heavily.
“W-what?” I gasp. “What did you say?”
“You heard,” he mutters darkly, throwing me an evil glare like this is somehow all my fault. I didn’t beg them to tell me their secrets.
But, fuck, what a secret it is.
“You’re kidding. We’re kids. What kids our age know how to…kill for a living?”
“We’ve been doing it a long time,” East says calmly.
“Impossible. I’ve known you forever. I think I’d know if my best friends were doing something like that!”
“We can’t tell you everything, cariño, because it would mean risking your life.” I shake my head, unable to comprehend what I’m hearing. “But we’ve been employed by an elite organisation from a very early age. They raised us and trained us to be the best at what we do.”
“Killing…” I whisper in disbelief.
“That, and extracting information.”
“What does that even mean?”
“It means, we can make people talk. We get the job done by any means necessary,” Devon replies shortly.
I sit in shock and try to absorb what they’re telling me.
“Is that…is that how you found me?”
“And so, all that stuff you said before about protecting me and punishing them…”
“We were deadly serious. We won’t stop until every last person who was involved in your abduction is punished and dead.”
“But my mum—”
“She’s no mother to you, cariño.”
“She’s the original fucking monster that started all of this,” Devon growls angrily. “She must be made to pay.”
“By any means necessary.”
I try to let that sink in.