Page 45 of Hunting Grounds
“I’ve organised them into categories.”
I snort at Axel. “Of course you have.”
He glowers back. “The red tagged files are potential threats we could take the opportunity to eliminate.”
It’s a large enough pile but of course, not all of our enemies are teenagers on campus, and so it only represents a tiny fraction of what we’re up against out in the real world. Seems pointless to me. I’d rather save our energy for the real threats. “The orange tags are for unsavouries I would like gone for various reasons. The blues could be potential allies. Yellows are valid candidates with the skills required to actually go far in the challenges and potentially join our organisation after graduation. The purple appear to be power-hungry nutters who have volunteered. It’s unlikely they understand what they’re getting into. And anything with a green stamp has been approved by my father – though don’t let that sway you.”
“And the black?” I ask, thumbing through the smallest pile on the coffee table. There’s half a dozen files there at most.
“Rapist scum that we’ll be eliminating one way or another.”
Damn it. I knew I should have thrown the doc’s name in the hat with those bastards.
I settle back with the pile of rapists’ files on my lap, wishing I had some popcorn to enjoy while skimming through their dossiers and planning all of the horrific, twisted ways I will make them pay for their despicable crimes.
“You look lovely, my little flower.”
I recoil as The General’s words wash over me, alongside his sleazy gaze. I’ve managed so well at avoiding him since the dinner and hot poker incident. The guys insisted that we stopped hanging out at Zie’s house, and it has worked well for weeks. But Zie assured us he was out of town on business this entire weekend, so we decided to have a pool party. Just the four of us, no girlfriends allowed. No need for me to worry about a jealous boyfriend, things with Billy fizzled out pretty quickly after a couple of dates. I can’t say I minded too much, but all subsequent dates with other guys went much the same way and I'm beginning to wonder if there's something really wrong with me.
I glance up at the shadow blocking the light from my sun lounger. The General is definitely not away on business. His lecherous expression and the sickening way he licks his lips after scanning my bikini-clad body turns my stomach, almost as much as his vile nickname for me does. Just because the guys call me Peony, he decided to call me his little flower. I’m not his anything and I pray to god I never will be.
My throat freezes and I can’t do anything but gawp at him.
“Dad? What are you doing home?” Zie breaks the silence, coming out of the house with drinks for all of us. I’ve no idea where the others are but I’m ridiculously grateful to Zie for appearing at just the right time. The General raises an eyebrow at his son.
“Partying in my absence, son?”
“It’s just Odile and the guys, dad. Same as always.”
“Hardly. I never see your delectable little flower girl anymore,” he pouts. Zie doesn’t respond to that.
Absentmindedly, my hand traces the small scar on my arm from the last time I saw him. Out of the corner of his eye, he watches me and smirks. Bile rises up my throat.
“Three on one. Now that is my idea of a party.”
“Excuse me,” I say, getting to my feet and rushing for the house. Sweat slickens my skin and my heart pounds as I force myself to walk normally, when all I want to do is bolt for safety.
As soon as I turn the corner and am out of his sight, I race for the open patio doors and smack straight into a hard bare chest with a ‘ooof’.
“Whoa, babygirl, what’s wrong?”
“T-the G-general c-came b-back.” Fuck. I cringe at how my voice shakes, but as Kaiden wraps his arms around me and shoots Axel a look, I realise I’m trembling all over.
“Did he touch you? Odile! Did he hurt you?” I shake my head no.
“He j-j-just looked. And he said—”
“Take her to my house. Now,” Axel demands, before slipping through the door, murder in his eyes.
The General is becoming a real problem.
The favour I had to earn in blood from my father did not send a strong enough message back to The General that Odile is ours.
She is out of his range. Unfuckingtouchable to him. I don’t want him anywhere near her, and I certainly don’t want him talking to her and upsetting her like that.
If I had my way, I’d kill him. But sadly it doesn’t work like that. Being the son of one of the three most powerful men in the country comes with many perks. But the ability to get away with murdering one of those said powerful trio, is not one of them.
Not yet anyway.
Once we leave and get out from under their thumb, we’ll be able to carve out our own passage, grow our own following, and increase our own power. Until one day we’ll be strong enough to fight back.
And when we do, we won’t lose. And I’ll come at all three of them with a vengeance for what they’ve done to my family.