Page 47 of Hunting Grounds
“Hector.” He grins, a gorgeous infectious smile that lights up his handsome tanned face, and holds out his palm again. He has really strong-looking hands. I think I might be obsessed with them. I take his hand, thinking he’s maybe going to pull me up this time, but he shakes my hand instead.
“I’m Odile.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Odile. You sure have some running legs on you. Do you compete?”
“I used to. Not anymore.”
“That’s a real shame. The sports teams here are always looking for new blood.”
“Sorry, I only run for me and my demons,” I say with a laugh.
“Well, you sure put them in their place today. If you ever want to do more than just running, give me a shout and I’ll be happy to help.” I blink at him, not understanding. “I work here.”
“You’re a professor?” My eyebrows hit my hairline. There’s no way. He’s far too good…young looking. I swear I need to check my chin for drool but can’t figure out a way to do it discreetly. He laughs and it’s a deep rumble that I feel right to my core. Unexpectedly perfect actually. Everything about his face and demeanour is so friendly and inviting, but his body and that laugh are all menace.
“Thanks for that, I knew I needed to up my skincare routine. But no. I’m a personal trainer. I can show you some of the other equipment, maybe the weights.”
“Sounds good but I don’t have it in me today.”
“No,” he chuckles darkly. “Definitely not today. But I look forward to working with you soon.”
He climbs to his feet and walks away, leaving me where I’m sitting.
I feel lighter than I have in ages and I don’t think it’s from the run. Then it hits me. Hector is the first person on this campus who’s been nice to me. He acknowledged me as Odile, not The Doe or the Trinity’s property, and he was kind without being sleazy.
The thought that I might actually be able to have a friend or an ally while I’m here lifts me as I head back to my room for a shower. Though I will admit, I wouldn’t mind being more than a friend to a guy like Hector. There’s no denying he’s absolutely gorgeous. I’m stopped as I’m entering my dorm by Rob, one of my flat mates. I’ll admit, I haven’t made the effort to get to know any of them, but that’s mostly because when I walk into the kitchen, the others tend to leave. Rob, who has the room next to mine, bars my way and grins down at me lasciviously.
“Hey, Doe.”
“It’s Odile to you,” I snap.
“Whatever. What’s got you all hot and sweaty? Didn’t get enough action last night, so you’ve been off looking for more?” I glare at him, folding my arms and tapping my foot as I wait for him to move out of my way. He comes closer, his rank, stale cigarette breath making me heave. “All those histrionics last night…so over the top.”
“Move out of my way,” I hiss through gritted teeth.
“I think you need someone to show you how it’s really done. If you were getting fucked properly, you wouldn’t need to fake it so theatrically.”
Tired of Rob’s bullshit, I elbow him in the gut and barge past him to get to my dorm. He follows but I’m able to get into my room and slam the door on his slimy face. Jeez, the guy’s a narcissist for sure.
If I didn’t need a shower already from my work out, I would after two minutes in his company. Ditching my bag on the bed, I read the instructions for the tablets I need to take, and then go to freshen up.
I’m almost finished with my shower when I hear my phone ringing. Dripping wet, I cross my bedroom and answer the call without checking the caller display.
“You sound breathless, what were you doing?” Kaiden’s teasing drawl comes down the line.
“I was in the shower,” I snap as the cold air from my open window bites at my exposed skin.
“Were you thinking of me?”
I should have let the call go to voicemail. For a moment I forgot that it could only be one of the Trinity calling me and in a moment of madness I had thought…well, it doesn’t matter because it’s Kaiden on the line.
I sigh. “What do you want, Kelly?”
“Ouch, surnames now? So impersonal, Kemp.”
“And yet you’ve still not answered my question.”