Page 49 of Hunting Grounds
“I don’t trust you fuckers,” I spit, my fear manifesting as anger.
“Good. You shouldn’t.”
“You’re going to walk me into a wall or some shit,” I complain.
“Kaiden.” I’m hoisted into the air and slammed over Kaiden’s shoulder, the air leaving me in a woosh.
“That’s not what I meant!” I gasp.
“Tough luck, princess. You can’t have it both ways.” That’s the first time Axel’s called me princess in forever, and it makes my stomach flutter, even if he did say it in his hard as nails ‘don’t fuck with me’ tone.
They drag me across campus and I kick and scream the entire way. Pointless of course, who would go against the mighty Holy Trinity to help me?
I’m bundled into the back of a car and once the engine starts I realise I’m in Axel’s Jeep Wrangler. I love this car. I only got to ride in it a few times before they left but sitting back in the full leather bucket seats feels familiar and safe. Kaiden – I can tell from his cypress and leather scent – leans over me to clip in my seatbelt and I sigh.
“Can I take this stupid blindfold off now?”
“Nope. It has to stay on for the whole ride.”
Kaiden chuckles at my sarcasm and Axel turns on the radio, drowning out any complaints I may have made.
“Get comfy, little doe. It’s going to be a long ride.”
“What’s going on?” I ask, stepping into Zie’s room which is fraught with tension.
“Nothing. Go home Odi,” Axel snaps. I reel back like I’ve been slapped.
“Dude. Don’t take it out on her,” Kaiden jumps to my defence.
“I-I- heard about...erm about Miss—”
“Don’t say that bitch’s name!” Axel screams in my face making me flinch.
“Axel—” Zie warns.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper. “I—”
Zie and Kaiden exchange concerned looks then wordlessly exit the room, leaving me alone with Axel. Panic flares within me. I’ve never seen him so worked up, so close to losing it.
He’s pacing back and forth along the carpet, running his hands through his hair and muttering to himself.
Suddenly he stops and falls to his knees at my feet. Looking up at me, tears shining in his eyes, he implores me to help.
“What am I going to do, Peony? They’ve had her arrested.”
I drop down onto the carpet beside him and wrap my arms around his shoulders. To my surprise, he doesn’t stiffen but buries himself into the crook of my neck, sobbing.
“Do you love her?” I ask tentatively after a moment.
“Do you care for her?”
“I hate her, Peony. I hate what she did to me. What she’s made me. I hope she goes to prison, but…”