Page 55 of Hunting Grounds
“Pass. Thanks,” I retort hotly, my cheeks warming. I wish I had my phone on me so that I could Google whatever it is they’re talking about. I hate seeming so clueless compared to them.
Axel laughs but Zie grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet.
“Knock it off, both of you. Come on, Peony. Let’s go home.”
The guys are being real arseholes at the moment.
More so than usual.
Axel’s dad has us all working on various projects and assignments but I get the impression mine are tame in comparison to theirs. Hence why they suddenly think they’re untouchable.
Whatever. It works in my favour because the more they’re dicks to Peony, the more time I get to spend alone with her.
We’ve been swimming in my pool whenever dad’s away, she’s been helping me run track – even though she wipes the floor with me still – and I’ve been helping her study. I’ve spent every moment I possibly can with her, and with the guys being so busy, that’s led to a lot of hanging out, just the two of us.
Sure, I have a serious case of blue balls because she still refuses to kiss me, but I swear her resolve is weakening. There have been moments, when we’ve laughed too hard then suddenly stopped, when our hands have brushed and our breath has caught. Times when I swear I’ve looked into her gorgeous green eyes and found them begging me to kiss her, but the moment always gets broken or interrupted or ruined somehow.
Not this weekend.
On Saturday Odi has an athletics event she’s competing in and she’s asked me to go watch her. The others can’t make it and her mum’s working. I feel like this could be it, I could finally get my girl.