Page 82 of Hunting Grounds
“Odi, come on. You’re being unreasonable.” He runs his hands through his hair in exasperation.
“How am I? It’s your last night here. I won’t see you until Christmas!”
“Don't be absurd. We’ll be back before then.”
“You don’t get half term,” I point out.
“But we get Reading Week on the exact same dates and I can read anywhere. I’ll come back. I promise.”
“But tonight’s still our last night.”
“Exactly. Which is why the four of us should spend it together, like we always used to. It’s Axel’s birthday tomorrow and he has to spend the whole day travelling, he should at least get to celebrate tonight.”
“I wanted tonight to be special.”
“And it will be. For Axel.”
“Just me and you, Zie. I wanted…”
“I know, Odi. But it doesn’t feel right.”
“How can it not feel right? I love you!”
“And I love you. Which is why I’m not going to do that with you. Not with me leaving. If we’d had more time together things would’ve been different.”
“So you're punishing me for not kissing you when you asked when I was eleven?”
“I’ve asked a lot more times since then too,” Zie mutters darkly before sighing. “I’m not punishing you. Let’s see how things go when I’m home next.”
“C’mon, we’ll go and meet the others.”
“You go. I feel a headache coming on.”
“Maybe we’ll see you later?” he asks, coming in to kiss me.
I turn and give him my cheek, a clear dismissal. “Maybe,” I reply noncommittally.
I doubt it though.
Peony didn’t come to our leaving party. Which was also for my birthday, and she’s never missed one of those since we met.
Zie seemed to think she just had a headache or cramps or some shit, but that wouldn’t be enough to keep her away. She’s stronger than that. Which means that something’s wrong. But instead of immediately leaving Kaiden’s house and slipping next door to check on her, I let the guys talk me into staying for a drink. Which turned into two, then three, then a hell of a lot more.
I didn’t enjoy myself. I couldn’t stop thinking about Peony.
Somehow though, it seemed like every time I tried to slip away from the party, some asshole was pushing another beer into my hand and demanding that I stay for just one more. And these aren’t the kind of people who take too well to being told ‘no’.
It was tedious, waiting for all the arse-lickers and sycophants to leave. Even worse, waiting for Zie and Kaiden to call it a night. None of us seemed remotely interested in partying tonight, but like me, they seemed to just drown their sorrows in a bottle.
They got wasted.
I got…sloppy, I guess. Not drunk enough to lose control, but buzzed enough to think this was a good idea.
Climbing through Peony’s open bedroom window like some damn Romeo or something.
I’m still fucking deadly silent though. Even with the amount of alcohol coursing through my veins, my training still kicked in, allowing me to enter her room undetected. It’s so ingrained in me now, I often move like a ghost…or a ninja. A ghost ninja.