Page 33 of Endangered
“Holy fuck.”
“It gets worse,” is all he says, and then he’s gone.
* * *
I read for hours. I have to keep taking breaks because I alternate between needing to vomit and needing to kill someone. I’ve never read anything so difficult or harrowing in my life. You can’t make half of this shit up.
What she’s been through…fuck.
“You done?” Reef asks, returning to the lounge. He’s damn lucky his laptop is still in one piece.
“What the fuck?!” I growl. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
“The prof didn’t deem it necessary.”
“The fuck it isn’t.”
Reef shrugs. “Just following orders man.”
“This fucking sucks.“
“Which part?”
“Fucking all of it.” I shake my head. How the fuck is she even alive, let alone sane?
When I think what a prick I was to her just because it was fun to watch her blush and stammer I feel like absolute shit. Worse than shit, like the fucking bacteria that grows on festering shit. The lowest of the low.
How do I make it up to her?
I thrust the laptop at Reef and get to my feet once again.
I need to fucking kill someone. Preferably her piece of shit parents who…I shake my head. I can’t even think about what they did. Right now anyone on this island and not the other side of the world will do.
“Where you going?” Reef asks as I grab the keys to my motorbike which I keep in the garage. Technically it’s not allowed on the island, but I don’t give a fuck. It’s for emergencies and this is a fucking emergency.
“Bhodi, wait.” Reef catches my arm and I have to shake him off.
If I don’t get out of this house right now, I might take my rage out on Reef, and he might not live to tell the tale.
“I can’t. I have to…go.” I shake my head again, my eyes imploring him to understand. He sees it, gets it, and nods. He releases me.
“Don’t do anything too crazy.”
“No promises.” It’s the best I can offer him.
I step through the front door and quickly make my way along the lane to the garage where we leave our illegal vehicles. I’m so angry, my strides are longer and more purposeful than usual and I find myself there in no time. Opening the garage, I grab my helmet off the hook on the wall and then take my bike off the main stand and walk it backwards out of the space. I straddle the bike, pull on my helmet and connect my phone to the built-in Bluetooth system. Once my playlist is set to go, I start the ignition and rev the engine to warm her up. It’s been so long since I started her up that I’m lucky I don’t have a flat battery. The anger in my veins thrums to the roar of the engine.
I know I should calm down, need to in fact, but never in history has anyone ever calmed down from being told to do so. Even when talking to yourself. Stay alive. Don’t be reckless. That advice will have to do.
I gun the engine and take off too fast, too reckless. I need to get to Two Harbours. There’s a fight tonight with my name on it. Several fights in fact.
I stick to the back roads, most of which are like dirt tracks, until I come to the outskirts of Two Harbours. It’s smaller than Avalon so I can get to where I need to be on foot. I park my bike up a side street, leave my helmet on the handlebars and head in the direction of the campsite. It’s the perfect location for an underground fight club because people come and go all the time. It also means if you get your ass kicked so badly you can’t make it home, there’s a place to crash for the night. Or the weekend if you need that long to recover. Best of all, it’s owned by a supernatural doctor – we never ask what species she is – with epic healing powers, so most people can be patched up and sent on their way within a few hours. If you can afford her fees.
“Doc, you’re looking gorgeous as ever,” I tell her with a winning smile when I step into the campground reception area. She gives me a ‘don’t fuck with me’ look which is pretty standard, and clicks her forked tongue at me.
“You look like ass, Bho. Why are you here?” She blinks her freaky yellow eyes at me but I know better than to be anything but charming to the doc.