Page 44 of Endangered
“Okay, which one?”
“All of them.”
“There was over twelve hours’ worth of listening in there,” he says, sounding…shocked? Impressed, maybe?
“But you said it was homework.”
“Yes. Back when we were having weekly sessions. Not daily. Did you get any sleep last night?”
“Not really.”
“I guess that explains the distraction today then. So, did any of the music resonate with you?”
“Which songs?”
“I liked Boxes and Outnumbered.”
“The lyrics resonated.” I shrug.
“I see. Well we can discuss that more with tomorrow’s session as our time is up today.”
“You were distracted for a while,” he says with a soft smile. “But before we sign off, there’s one last thing to cover.”
My heart sinks. I have to give him something. Something personal. A piece of me, my soul.
My gut clenches. I can’t lie. How I wish I could fob him off with some glib, blasé track like ‘Barbie Girl’. But no, I can’t allow myself to do it.
“Have you chosen a song for me?”
I nod. “It’s called ‘Breathe’. By Power-Haus and some other artists I don’t remember the name of.”
“It’s okay. I’ll find it.”
“Okay. I have another, if that’s okay?” Damn. Maybe I should have pretended I didn’t know any of the artists. There must be a thousand songs out there called breathe. He’d never find the right one, and it wouldn’t have been my fault.
“Of course. You can send me an entire library of songs if it helps. What’s your second song?”
“It’s by Ruelle. I relate to a lot of her songs actually, but ‘Closing In’.”
“Breathe and Closing In. I got it. And how do you feel about giving me this song, Malia?”
“Terrified. Vulnerable.”
“Those are valid feelings. What are you scared of?”
“Being seen.”
“I already see you, Malia.”
I gulp.