Page 52 of Endangered
The room is plunged into darkness.
‘I Hate The Way’ cuts off mid-chorus.
And Cove groans like a kid just got told it’s bedtime.
“What the actual fuck is going on in here? Why is it so damn dark—oh!” Summer squeaks as she flicks on the light and takes in the sight of me writhing naked on my bed with a guy between my thighs. “Malia!”
If the ground doesn’t split open and swallow me right fucking now, I might start digging my own damn hole.
“I, ummm…should probably go.”
It’s Cove who says that, not Summer. I wipe the sweat from my brow and glare at her. She’s the one who should be leaving. Not Cove.
From the disappointed look he’s giving me, we weren’t quite done here yet, despite his comments about a grand finale. To the first act maybe, but I’m not ready for him to go. I want my second act. And a half time show. And maybe an encore or three.
“I think that would be best,” Summer sniffs snootily at Cove.
He climbs off the bed, wipes his mouth on the back of his hand and then bends down to give me a quick peck on the cheek. It feels cold, distant, and I don’t like how it hurts. I draw my robe around myself and cringe. I should ask him to stay.
“Summer. You go. We weren’t done here.”
“Sorry, MT. I have to do your meds,” she whispers even though the room is dead silent so Cove is bound to hear her anyway.
God, I really hate her right now.
“It’s fine, Mai-Tai. I only came to say goodnight anyway. I guess I got carried away.”
Disappointment, hurt and acceptance – of course he doesn’t feel the same way as you! – stab my heart but I give him a tight smile and a sharp nod of agreement.
“I’ll message you, yeah?”
“Sure.” My response is cold and noncommittal.
Cove leaves, closing the door softly behind him and Summer whirls on me before I can do the same to her.
“What the hell was that, MT?!”
“What the hell was what? It looked and felt a lot like sex to me! Or a precursor to what I’m sure would have a been a night of amazing sex if you hadn’t interrupted.”
“Well, it’s a damn good thing that I did interrupt.”
“Your meds, Malia! What would you have done if you’d woken up in the middle of the night with withdrawals and started freaking out. Would that boy have known what was going on? What to do to help you? Do you really think you should be getting involved with someone when you have all this going on?” She upends her bag and spreads her arms wide to indicate the plethora of medications that spill out onto my mattress.
I glare at her, absolutely hating that she’s right, that she’s ruined my night with common sense and looking out for me as always. I just hate…myself.
My anger towards her vanishes in a sigh, leaving me deflated and ashamed. I reboot my playlist and it flicks onto ‘Numb’ by Linkin Park. Fitting.
“You’re right.” It pains me to say it, but it’s the truth. Cove would run a mile if he had to deal with me when I’m having an ‘episode’. I shouldn’t be getting close to anyone.
“I know,” she says softly, without taking any pleasure in my misery. “I’m sorry. But it really is for the best.”
She squeezes my hand and then starts to measure out my medications.