Page 57 of Endangered
The first thing to hit me is the smell of fresh coffee and warm pastries. It’s a staffroom, rather than an office like I originally thought when I previously saw the door, and it’s laid out with comfy chairs, a breakfast station, mismatched wooden tables and so many houseplants. In the corner of the room is a small wooden bookcase, loaded with tattered looking paperbacks.
“Make yourself at home. Coffee?” Bhodi asks.
I have no idea what I’m agreeing to, I just make a beeline for the books, curious to see why a library break room would need more books, and what could possibly be on the shelves.
I’m not disappointed.
Row upon row of romance books greet me, their spines proudly proclaiming their titles as I skim them. There’s everything here from vintage Mills & Boon, historical bodice rippers and cosy rom-coms, to modern paranormal, fantasy and dark romance books. There’s even some latest releases and a few of my favourite authors on there.
“Ah, you found Betsy’s secret stash, I see.”
I jump guiltily like I just got caught with my hand inside the biscuit jar, and Bhodi grins at me. My face warms.
“She’s the old dear that runs this place. You know, the violet rinse, old bat with spectacles thicker than doorstops?” He says this with complete affection in his tone so I know he’s not being mean. And yes, I do know the librarian he’s talking about, though she doesn’t seem to work the front desk much. I nod.
“But…Betsy? I didn’t know that was her name.”
“Yep. Cove’s obsessed with her. He named his board after her. He loves her something chronic. Dare say she has a sweet spot for him too…but I’m her favourite. She doesn’t share her breakfast station with just anyone you know.”
I laugh at the pride in his voice and his puffed-out chest. A softer side to Bhodi is kind of adorable.
“You and Cove know each other?”
He doesn’t say anything else and even though I have more to ask, I bite my tongue. How do they know each other? Are they friends? Do they talk to each other about me?
“So how did you get to be Betsy’s favourite then?” I ask.
“I fix things for her. Help out around the library, do the heavy lifting, restock the high shelves when she’s on her own, that sort of thing.”
“Like community service?”
“I enjoy it.” He shrugs, neither confirming nor denying his reasons for helping. “Betsy’s a legend. She’s been on this island for as long as the university’s been here, I reckon. She’d tan my hide for saying that though. I like to hear her stories, and she indulges me by telling ‘em. I’ve got time for her.”
This is definitely a side to Bhodi I wasn’t expecting. Would I expect the pretty boy next door, Cove, to charm the old ladies? Absolutely. But stacked, brooding, failing his classes, bad boy, Bhodi? No way.
It makes heat bloom in my chest. I like it. I like him.
“I’ll introduce you sometime, but she’s not here today. She has a hospital appointment on the mainland, hence giving me the key to open up. I popped in real quick to set up the breakfast things before I came to get you.”
“Awesome. I hope she’s okay though?”
“Yeah. Just an eye test. Pointless if you ask me, she’s blind as a bat and that’s what they’ll tell her today too.”
I can hear the affection in his voice and it makes me smile. I never had a grandparent or even an older role model in my life to feel warm and protective of, but it’s clear to see he cares about her very much.
“So, breakfast. What would you like? I have waffles warming and a variety of toppings. Croissants, pain au chocolat, crêpes. I can even offer you yoghurt, fresh fruit and granola from the mini fridge.”
“Wow. Erm, that’s a lot. I’ll just take whatever you’re having.”
He nods, hands me the coffee and wanders off to get some breakfast bits for the two of us. I go back to perusing the books. I wonder why these are in here and not out on the main shelves? I guess he did say something about it being Betsy’s secret stash though, so maybe these are her own personal copies? I don’t know why she’d keep them here and not at home though.
“Here you go.”