Page 6 of Endangered
Bring it on.
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, first thing and in person, Miss Van Der Zee.”
The fairy lights flicker, and I pause. That’s odd. Almost magical. The air is certainly charged now as I stare back at the anguish on the mask that is Malia’s face.
“You can’t do that! You have to make allowances for my condition. You can’t discriminate.” There’s almost passion in her tone. Light the fuse. Set off those fireworks. Claim her. Combust.
“Discrimination would be treating you differently to the other students, Miss Van Der Zee. Clearly, I am not.” I study her carefully for her reaction but nothing happens. The lights remain steady. I almost wonder if I imagined it. Disappointment floods me.
“But—” She opens her mouth to argue but I stop her by stepping close, too close, and placing my hand over her lips. They’re so soft, and the temptation to taste her is overwhelming. But I know that if I started, I’d never stop.
“Malia,” I sigh, slipping up by using her first name. Too personal. Too caring. It makes her breathing hitch though. My gaze drops to her heaving chest. Fuck. I take a step backwards, trying to put some space between us to make up for my slip.
She freezes and eyes me warily.
“It’s not in my character to give a damn about my students, so please don’t take this the wrong way. Do you really want to push me on this? Take it further, threaten to go to the board, or the campus counsellor, or whatever it is disgruntled children do these days? Be my guest…I. Don’t. Care. I think this diagnosis is bullshit, this ‘doctor’ is a charlatan, and you’re dangerously close to flunking out of SCU entirely, based on your attendance alone. Do better. Prove me wrong about you.”
I take her spectacular goldfish impression as my cue to leave and walk out of her dorm without a backwards glance. I’m almost by the main entrance before I hear her door slam shut, and it makes me grin. Door slamming is good. Progress. It means I’ve rattled her a little. Brought her out of her shell a tiny bit. And I’ll do whatever it takes to get her back to that feisty girl who wasn’t afraid to challenge me.
Reef was right, though. She isn’t the same at all and I do need to bring this to the attention of the elders right away.
With that rather sobering thought, I jump in my car and race away towards the north westerly coast of the island. Nickel Creek’s ‘Destination’ blasts through my speakers and as I navigate the roads, I realise I need answers and – I’m not afraid to admit – help on this one.