Page 52 of Healing Hearts
“Can you take me home, please? I’m-I’m not feeling well, and I don’t want to bother Donny. He needs to spend time with his family.”
Celeste nodded in understanding while her eyes shone with her concern.
“Okay, let me just get my stuff, then we can go.”
Andrea gave her a grateful smile.
“Drea, Celeste said you weren’t feeling well.” Donny came through the front door.
She winced. This was the first time he had called her by her nickname, and it felt as if he had burned her.
“Yeah. I’m just gonna go. I don’t want to ruin the fun,” she replied as lightly as she could.
“Hey. Ready to go?” Celeste interrupted whatever Donny was about to say.
“I can take you back. It wouldn’t be any trouble,” he offered.
“No,” she spoke up. “You should stay here with your family.”
Donny agreed, but from the look on his face, she knew he wanted to say more.
“Ready,” she informed Celeste, turning and heading toward the car.
“Are you sure it wasn’t something someone said?” Celeste asked in a worried tone as she sped along Torpedo Road toward Andrea’s home.
“No,” she lied, leaning her head against the car glass and willing herself to forget the words she heard Donny speak.
“All right, if you say so,” Celeste replied in a skeptical tone. “Just know that if it was something someone said, I’ve got your back,” she assured her.
Andrea gave the woman who was over five inches taller than her a grateful smile. “I know,” she confirmed.
Andrea warily walked up the steps of the front porch, feeling completely depleted, and it wasn’t from being out in the sun too long. Just as she reached for the knob, the door flew open, and her daughter stood on the other side.