Page 65 of Healing Hearts
The two continued to hug fiercely as their tears continued to flow down their faces.
“I love you, Rory.”
“I love you, too, Mom.”
“Where are you taking me?” Andrea asked the man who was leading her by the hand because he had blindfolded her.
“You’ll know soon enough,” came his reply.
Andrea pouted. She heard Donny laugh as he continued to lead her forward.
After she’d presented the finished website to the fire department, everyone loved it and applauded her efforts of capturing every aspect of their work and for making it enticing to those who would want to make a contribution to the department in any way they could.
Trey, who had been at the department at the time, had complimented her work which had caused hope to spring up in her heart. She caught Donny’s look of satisfaction, and she smiled.
Donny had come up to her and gave her a hug to hoots and cheers from the firefighters, and while Trey didn’t join in the cheering, he didn’t seem angry either, just unsure.
After the presentation, Donny informed her that he had planned a picnic for them, and she readily accepted the invitation.
Now, she was wondering if she’d made the right decision the further away from the noise they went. The serene calmness was welcoming, but without her sense of sight, it was also a frightening experience.
“All right, we’re here,” Donny gave out, coming behind her to untie the blindfold.
Andrea was awestruck at what was before her. Turning to Donny, she looked at him with incredulity. “How did you find this place?” she asked in wonder.
“When I moved here, I was still grieving, but then I was driving along SW Scenic Heights, and I don’t know, I just felt the urge to stop and walk through the forest of trees. The more I walked, the more the clearing came into view, and this is where I ended up,” he revealed.
“It’s beautiful,” she whispered, looking out at the lush meadow with colorful flowers and shrubs permeating the greenness covered by the canopy of trees bordering it. She could also make out a small stream, its gurgling water making its own path from the meadow into the forest.
Donny took her hand, leading her to an area that was flat enough to lay the blanket he had brought.
“When I found this place, I immediately knew that one day everything would be okay again.”
Andrea’s heart warmed at his words.
“Thank you for sharing this with me,” she expressed, patting his arm in gratitude.
Donny took her hand between his and gently squeezed, causing goose bumps to rise.
“You’re special, and you are worth sharing a lot of things with,” he spoke sincerely.
Andrea couldn’t stop the smile that graced her lips as her heart soared with his words.
“I want to share something else with you,” he informed her gently.
“You mean apart from the food?” she asked jokingly.
Donny chuckled. “We’ll get to that soon. This is more food for your heart,” he told her.
Andrea sat up straighter, intrigued by what he said.
“I wrote something for you,” he said, going into his pocket and removing a folded sheet of paper.
“I’m no Shakespeare, but I hope I have expressed it vividly enough for you to understand how I feel about you.”
Andrea perked up. She folded her legs and sat on the back of her knees before she leaned forward, putting most of her weight on her palms.
“Here it goes,” he announced, the quiver in his voice giving away his nervousness.