Page 18 of Jag
“Text me when you get to the hotel. Oh yeah, and tomorrow’s date is definitely a jeans and sneakers type of date.”
I get in the car and start back to the hotel to make some calls to get my stuff shipped here so I can move into the beach house. But I am curious as to what kind of date he has planned that I need to wear jeans and sneakers. So far, he has come up with the most innovative and interesting dates I have ever been on. So, I can’t wait to see what he has in store for tomorrow.
That woman has me going crazy, I should not feel this way this fast. I mean I am confident that she is my wife, but this is crazy. I can barely focus on work for thinking about her and ways to make her happy. I want to break down the last of the walls she has that I don’t think she knows she has. The sooner I can get her over those hurdles the faster we can start our lives together. Her showing up here was a complete surprise, it never crossed my mind that she would do something like that.
She made my whole day with a simple lunch, and almost caused a death right here on this construction site. My employee’s comment literally almost cost him his life; I almost beat his ass when he called her a bitch. These young guys think it’s cute and ok to call women bitches that shit is not ok with me and for him to call the woman I love a bitch sent me smooth over the edge.
I politely told his ass if he wants to keep breathing on his own, he’ll shut that shitall the way up, get his eyes off my woman and get his punk ass back to work…. on the other side of the site. He must have forgotten who the fuck I am. Once I reached Savannah, I was still pissed off but when she lifted the bag and told me she brought lunch for us I shoved the anger down and enjoyed this unexpected treat. I am not sure she realized that her bringing me lunch was actually her coming to me to vent. I was a little surprised that she allowed me to help her with a place to live.
Just the thought of her being in one of my homes makes me happier than it should, and it goes against all my instincts to take money from her for rent. I know she’s an independent woman and that is the only way she’d feel comfortable. I’m going to take her money and put towards upgrading finishes in her house. I pull out my phone as I see Joseph walking towards me and begin to make arrangements for tomorrow’s date.
“That was a surprise.”
“Tell me about it.”
“What did Andrew say to get him banished to the dark side of the moon?”
“He called Savannah a bitch along with a few other things that almost caused him to be banished to the dark side of hell.”
Plans made for tomorrow and a full stomach. It's time to get back to work. It's going to be a long day.
“Let’s get back to work we got a lot to catch up on.”
Tell me about it.”
“Well, the longer we take the longer it’s going to take.“
We head back to work and prepare for a long ass night.
As I drive back to the hotel, I think of my impromptu trip to see Joshua at his work site and am amazed that I had the nerve to go there. I definitely wasn’t thinking and just going off of instinct and my instinct led me straight to him. Well, it looks like I have to make one final trip back to bring my stuff to my new home and drive my own car back to Mississippi. I finally get back to the hotel and in my room and begin to make plans to fly back to Richland and check out this hotel. I am going to miss Peter, but he can come visit me at the beach house.
The month is almost out so I have to fly back ASAP because I need to get back there, get my stuff from storage and get the house set up before these summer classes get started. I found an airline ticket leaving out next week that gives me about ten days to get my things, drive back, set the house up and prepare for class. I am cutting it close, but I think it can get done. I wanna check out of the hotel before I leave and move the little stuff, I did bring with me to the house. I pick up the phone and text Joshua to ask him if I can get the keys before I leave. I barely hit send when my phone is ringing.
“Leave to go where, Savvy?”
“I have to go back home to get my car and make arrangements with the company to drive my belongings here.”
“How are you getting your car back here?”
“I’m gonna drive it of course, Joshua”
“By yourself?”
“Uh, yes…. duh”