Page 22 of Jag
He kinda smirks and says “ok.”
I wrap my arms around his arm and rest my head on his shoulder.
I came down early to talk to Peter but it’s almost time for Joshua to be here. He gets a few minutes grace period but if he goes past that without a call or text I will politely go back to my room and I will not be going anywhere. I am past the stage of my life where I sit around waiting for a man to treat me like a priority. If I am not a priority to him, I’m a priority to me, and that's on period.
I pull up to Savvy’s hotel and see her outside all wrapped around some man. I grip the steering wheel so hard it groans I’m imagining it’s the man’s neck I’m squeezing. I swear this woman is going to cause me to catch a case. The closer I get I realize he’s an older man but not that much older and he looks familiar to me. I pull right up to the door, put the SUV in park and get to open her door. She finally unwraps herself from the arm of the man she’s standing with, and once I am face to face to him, I know why he looked familiar.
“Hi Savvy, are you ready to go?”
“Yes but let me introduce you to Peter. He's the concierge and he’s been taking good care of me since I first got here. Peter, this is my friend Joshua. I grit my teeth when she calls me her friend, but I reach out to shake his hand.
“Nice to meet you, Peter.”
“You as well Joshua.”
I can tell he knows I know exactly who he is, and it is obvious Savannah has no clue who he is.
“You own Gideon Properties, don’t you?”
“Yes, my brothers and I do”.
He shakes his head as if he’s thinking.
“Well, take care of my girl.”
I look at him with one eyebrow raised dead in his eyes to convey to him Savvy isn’t his anything, but I simply say, “She’s in good hands.”
I help Savvy get in the SUV and close her door. I cross the front and get in the driver's seat. Savannah waves goodbye as I pull off.
“So that’s the concierge?”
“Yes, I adore him.”
I just grunt in reply because Savvy has no idea who the concierge really is. I wonder why he hasn’t told her, but he must have his reasons and I do not intend to tell her.
I put the address in the GPS, get on the thruway and head to our destination. Reaching over and I hold her hand.
“How was dinner?”
“Oh, my goodness, that was the second-best crab cake I’ve ever had.”
“Second best?”
“And where did you have the best?”
“For my birthday one year when I went to Seattle. I made reservations to this super expensive restaurant and had a wonderful birthday dinner by myself.”
“By yourself?”
“Yes, I went to Seattle by myself.”
“I see.”
“I mean I was single then like super single, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me from enjoying life. So, I went by myself.“