Page 40 of Jag
He opens his mouth to say something else but Saint walks in the living room.
“Oh, hey dad, I didn’t know you were here. I was putting the baby’s stuff together then Mell needed my help.” He looks over at Robin. “Hi Robin.”
“Hi Saint,” she says.
“Yeah, we were just out here talking to your mom.”
Saint looks over to me. I am guessing to see if I am alright. “Let me get Mell something to drink and we’ll be right out,” he says as he walks in the kitchen. A few seconds later he is walking back down the hall to his bedroom.
Robin gets up to use the bathroom and as soon as she is out the room William turns to me and says, “That should’ve been you.”
“Excuse you?”
“As my wife, but you wanted to act stupid and be stubborn”.
“Wow I really have no words to say to that William. Um I didn’t want to be in her shoes I’m good just the way I am.”
“Alone? I remember when we were together all you wanted was to be married and now, you’re telling me you don’t want to be married anymore?”
“No, I am telling you I no longer wanted to marry you and be disrespected and cheated on for the rest of my life.”
“I changed Savvy. Besides I was your best chance at marriage. It’s been eight years and you haven’t even dated. So, what, you're gonna die lonely?”
“I’d rather die lonely than live with you and your bullshit. You didn’t even come here to see this baby, did you?”
“Of course, I did. She is my granddaughter, but Saint did tell you were coming back, and I figured you’d be staying with him.”
“So, you still gonna be too stubborn to give us another chance?”
“You can’t possibly be serious right now. Your wife is down the hall in the bathroom and you’re what, hitting on me? Tacky much? Yeah, I see how much you’ve changed.”
Before he can say anything more Mell comes down the hall and has a seat on the loveseat. William gets up to hand her the baby.
“How are you feeling?” He asks her.
“Not bad, still a little tired though.”
“That’s understandable. my tip is sleep when she sleeps,” I tell her.
Robin comes in from the bathroom and damn near sits in William’s lap. As if. Nobody wants him but her. Mell is breastfeeding Sarai and Saint comes out the room talking to Jag.
“Thanks for all the help.”
“No problem at all, even though your mom abandoned me,” Jag says.
Saint laughs. When they get to the living room Saint sits next to Mell and Jag comes and sits next to me. He puts his arm around me and lets his hand rest on my hip. And I snuggle right into his side and rest my hand on his thigh.
“Seriously Saint you should consider moving to Mississippi I am sure one of the colleges would snatch you up for head coach and my brothers and I would build you an amazing house.”
“What would I do with Bubba?” He asks.
“You could fly him down on his breaks and over the summer, I’m sure Taylor would be ok with that,” I say.
“Yeah, my brothers and I would love to have him at the compound,” Jag says.
I look up at him and smirk. “Yeah I bet they would,” I say.