Page 57 of Jag
“Put him down, Sheppard,” Savvy tells him.
As soon as his little feet touch the ground he goes straight to Savannah and squeezes her as hard as his little arms will let him. Saint, Mell, and Jabarri get out of the car and speak to everyone as Shepp walks over to Jabarri.
“Now this is what I’m talking about right here.”
“Yeah,” Jabarri says. “I knew I had to have her as soon as I saw her.”
“Have you opened her up yet?” he asks Jabarri
“Yeah, on the track.”
“Are you really over there drooling over a SUV, Shepp?” Skai asks.
“Not just any car this is a Track Hawk SRT, the fastest SUV in the world!” Shepp tells Skai.
“Who cares?” she says as she takes the baby from Mell after hugging her and Saint.
“We can all choose a car and go out on the track later I tell them.”
Shepp, Jabarri and Saint go to the garage to look at the other vehicles and I go in the house with Savvy. Savannah and Skai disappear to our suite of rooms. About an hour later Savvy and Skai come from the bedroom and I am fixated on her. Skai put her mom’s hair in waist length locs and all I want to do is wrap them around my fist as I take her from behind.
Nope I am not skipping down that brick road in a house full of people, so I cut that train of thought off immediately. Skai goes and takes the baby from Mell and just as I am heading over there to take her from Skai the door opens and Savvy’s dad and his wife walks in with her sister and her husband, her girlfriend and her husband. Savvy hugs everyone, except her father’s wife and introduces everybody and shows them where they are staying.
Soon we are all out in the backyard eating, laughing, listening to music and just having a good time. I notice that my baby brother has been watching Skai like a hawk watches a chicken and she is oblivious to him. Sarai has been passed around to everyone there including my brothers. She’s sleeping on Atlas’s chest right now. Bubba is in the pool with Joseph learning some diving technique. Savvy walks over to me, where are your parents? They should be here any minute Asher left to get them from the airport.
Just then the doorbell rings and we wonder who that could be since my parents wouldn’t ring the bell, they’d walk in. When I open the door it’s another fun sized young lady. She looks up at me and asks for Savvy. When I show her to the back yard, Savvy hugs her and introduces me to Saki’s girlfriend, I forgot she was coming. She goes over to Skai who hadn’t noticed her arrival and hugs her. I look down at Savvy, she’s cute, I say yes, she is, and she is such a sweetheart her and Skai have been together for a while now. I look over to Jabarri and have to stifle a laugh, he is mean mugging the hell out of Skai’s girlfriend.
I ask Savvy out of curiosity, is Skai a fem lesbian? Well, she says she’s bi-sexual but like I said she has been with Alayna for a few years so… I don’t know, as long as she’s happy and treated well that’s all I care about. I look back over at my brother and he is still looking mad as hell about this turn of events. Before I can go over and tell him to stop being rude, I hear the loud ass boom that’s my father's voice. Savvy and I turn around and as soon as Savannah sees my dad, I hear her say damn. I frown down at her. Then she says how old is your dad seventy-five I say.
Damn she says again as she stands there staring at my dad. I’m wondering if I should be jealous of my dad or not. My dad walks over and greets her with Hongi, the traditional Maori greeting and to my surprise Savvy knows what to do. When he backs away, he picks her up in a bear hug and says “kia ora hine.”
She looks to me for help and tells her to say to him tena papa. My mom hip checks him and tells him to stop hogging her. He finally puts her down and I swear Savvy swoons and my mom repeats everything except picking her up. My brothers come over to hug our parents and Savannah asks me what she said to my dad and I tell her he said hello daughter and you responded hello father. She smiles up at me with tears in her eyes.
“Why are you crying baby?”
“I’m just overwhelmed by it all. We can talk about it later, we have guests and I do not like crying in front of people, but I will tell you this, your father is fine as hell I see why your mom scooped his sexy ass up.”
“Really Savvy?”
“Yes, Joshua.”
“He looks like he could be your brother not your dad and your mom look like y’all sister, those are some good ass genes.”
“Yep, and your dad looks like he could be your husband not your dad.”
“True she says, I guess we both got good genes. Good cause I want at least a hundred years with you.”
She blushes and she looks down at the ground away from my eyes, but I turn her face to look at me so she can see I mean every word I say.
All the adults have eaten and are just sitting around talking so I guess it’s time to tell them the real reason for this weekend party. I go over to Savannah and pull her out of the seat. Jaasiel turns off the music when I alert him.
Once I have everyone’s attention I say, “Savannah and I would like to thank you guys for coming all the over here to join us in this weekend celebration, but there is another reason we invited you all to come ... I have asked Savannah to marry me, and she has said yes. So, this weekend is our engagement party and tomorrow night we will have a formal dinner.”
I take Savannah’s ring out and put it back on her finger where it belongs and kiss her forehead. “Wait Joshua,” Savannah says.
“What is it, baby?” I ask her.
“Well, I do not think it’s fair that I’m walking around with this big ass hands off sign disguised as an engagement ring, while your finger is empty, so I got you this,” she says as she pulls out a ring box and opens it to display a men’s platinum engagement band in the middle it has a channel of grey diamonds, it has to be five carats.