Page 70 of Jag
Chapter 16
I wake up by myself in bed and wonder where Jag is. I move to get out of bed and every single part of my body is sore. After we made love the first time, the floodgates opened. I think I got all of five minutes of sleep. No matter how many times he took me it was always missionary position and he made sure we kept constant eye contact. I know we have created a soul tie that will never be broken.
It was complete overload when he first kept eye contact all I could do was cry. I pull myself out of the bed and slowly walk to the bathroom, I take care of nature and then I run another bath to try to soak my muscles. After I sit in the tub I rinse off in the shower. I put on all my good smelling stuff, take my bonnet off and wet my hair down and put some mousse in it to get the waves back in it. I make my way back to the closet and grab a sundress. I skip bra and panties because…. Jag. As I walk out, I run into Jag, literally. He catches me easily.
“You just like running into me,” he says.
“Hush. You know I did not run into you on purpose, either time.” He leans down and kisses me and just like the wanton slut she is, my sore pussy gets wet instantly.
“How sore are you?” he asks.
“I’m fine,” I reply.
“That sore, huh,” he says.
“I’m fine. Really I am.”
“Maybe we’ll give this body a break,” he pauses and he looks at my nipples poking through my dress. “Today.”
He has breakfast set up outside on the balcony. We sit on the cuddler chair together, eat breakfast and enjoy the view. I wake up alone again but before I get up to find him, I see him down in the pool.
I come down the stairs. “Why didn’t you wake me?”
“Baby, l kept you all night and I plan on keeping you up all night tonight so you’re gonna need your sleep.”
If I had a lighter skin tone, I would be red faced right now. I sit on the side of the pool and put my feet in as I watch him swim laps until he swims up in between my legs, he wraps his arms around waist and lays his head on my lap.
“What do you want to do today?” he asks.
“Nothing just be here with you.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do,” he says, and he pulls me into the pool.
“Jag! I scream, my dress.”
“Take it off.”
“No, I don’t have anything on under this.”
“Even better.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.
I roll my eyes. “I am not taking my dress off.”
“Wrap your legs around my waist.”
I do, and he carries me into the water. I hold onto him because I cannot swim. We play in the water until I get close to the edge of the pool and I dunk him under the water and scramble out of the pool and run.
“Savannah Jenell Gideon, I promise I am going to spank your ass when I catch you.”
Catch who? I think as I run through the house looking for a hiding spot. Then it dawns on me, I’m as good as caught, this man is special forces. No matter, I am not going down without a fight. We literally play chase in this mansion. I give him a run for his money, but he eventually catches me of course.
Basam finds us in the living room on the floor laughing and out of breath. Well I was out of breath Jag hadn’t even broken a sweat. Jag stands up and helps me up, go get changed baby so we can have dinner. This time when I get dressed, I put on a bra and panties. We have dinner outside and before long I am full and ready to go back to sleep.
That night we shower together, neither of us bother with pj’s to sleep in. I swear Jag is Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, he is so sweet and considerate during the day and at night he turns into a demanding sex god. And I ain’t mad at him.