Page 79 of Jag
“Yeah”, I say.
And although I feel better that my brothers are here, I still haven’t completely gotten rid of that feeling. We are going back to the marketplace tomorrow and I am on edge. I try to relax with my brothers while Savvy has me banned from the bedroom.
“Damn has Savvy gotten tired of you already?” Asher asks. I roll my eyes at him, “She’s in the bedroom with her daughter,” I say.
“Not anymore,” I hear Savvy’s mini me say as she walks through the kitchen. “Good night,” she says without breaking stride out the door.
“I’ll walk you to your bungalow,” Jabarri says.
She sucks her teeth and looks at him. “Do I look two years old you?”
“I mean you are just about their height,” he returns.
“You know what, you can kiss my whole ass,” she tells him.
“Before or after we get to your bungalow?” He asks.
“Get the hell away from me,” Skai seethes.
“Make me!” he tells her.
They argue like this all the way out the door. The same door that I notice Skai holds open for him. We look at each other and bust out laughing.
“I’ll see y'all in the morning,” I say as I head to the room.
The next morning, I go to grab the dress I had planned to wear but instead my gut tells me to put on a pair of jeans even though it’s in the eighties out there. I also put on sneakers instead of my flip flops and a tee shirt.
It is against the law to have a gun in the Maldives or any self-defense item in this country and I didn’t care before, but I feel naked without Brianna here now. I come out and Jag must’ve read my mind because he is wearing damn near the same outfit as me. We look like we are waiting for someone to start some shit. He walks over to me and smiles as he grabs my hair.
“Jag, stop you’re gonna mess it up.”
“I’ll give you some flat twists tonight when we get back.” His ass is so sexy, offering to do my hair. “I have something for you baby, will you wear it?”
“Of course, I will,” I say, and he pulls a beautiful charm bracelet with a plane, passport, wedding ring, S and G initials and a heart.
“Baby, it’s beautiful. I love it.”
“There’s space to add more.”
He puts the bracelet on my wrist, and we head out. We all load up and head to the market. Once we are there my nerves begin to calm, and I head back to the store I was at with Jag because there was stuff I still wanted to get from there. I head in with Skai, Shell, Bailey and Megan and the guys wait outside. We are doing some shopping and I run across a beautiful dress I want to wear for Jag when we go to dinner tonight. I tell the ladies I am going to try the dress on and head back to the fitting rooms.
“Aunt Shell,” Skai says.
“Yes, niece?”
“Did mom come back out of the fitting rooms?”
“I don’t think so”. Aunt Shell says
She’s been in there a while,” I say and begins to walk back towards the fitting room. “Ma?” I say but get no answer. I drop the clothes I was carrying and pick up the pace to the fitting rooms. “Ma!” I yell but get no response again.
By this time all the women are following me. I reach the fitting rooms and begin to open all the doors while yelling for my mother, but I cannot find her. We fan out and begin searching for her but when we still can’t find her, I run to go get my brothers.
“Saint! Sheppard!” I’m screaming by the time I reach them.
“What is it Skai?” Saint asks
“I can’t find mommy.”
“What!” they both say.
“Mommy, she went to try a dress on and when five minutes went by and she never came out I went to look for her, but she’s gone.”
I’m crying by the time I finish. Jag notices me run out of the store to my brothers and begins to walk over to where we are. All he hears is we can’t find my momma and he storm into the store, with his brothers and my brothers hot on his heels. They tear the store apart looking for her, but she is nowhere to be found.
The roar that leaves Jag’s mouth is terrifying and filled with anguish. Joseph comes over to him, but Jag is not in the mood and Joseph wisely leaves him alone. We split up and begin searching everywhere but there is no trace of her. I am inconsolable and my brothers are beyond pissed off. I don’t know who dared to take my momma, but their days are numbered. We stayed at the marketplace for hours looking for any clue to where my mom went.